zPath.js : jQuery plugin to Animate SVG Path

    zPath.js : jQuery plugin to Animate SVG Path

    A simple and easy to use plugin to draw any simple svg that uses only paths or any other elements but without fills.

    jQuery Bootstrap File Input Plugin

    jQuery Bootstrap File Input Plugin

    File input fields look differently in all browsers. It’s a pain in the arse to design something that looks nice in all browsers and it sucks that support for this is not available in Twitter Bootstrap.

    This jQuery plugin is designed to make all file input fields look like standard Twitter Bootstrap buttons.

    Kissui.Position : JavaScript to Track element on the Page

    Kissui.Position : JavaScript to Track element on the Page

    Kissui position is a javaScript to track element on the page like a boss.Here is a list of available events:

    • in – when element is in the viewport
    • out – when element is not in the viewport
    • middle – center aligned element (vertically)
    • center – center aligned element (horizontally)
    • top – element at the top of the page
    • bottom – elemennt at the bottom of the page
    • left – element at the left side of the page
    • right – element at the right side of the page
    • partially – with one only works with out event, e.g. partially out and it means when the element is partially out of the element (e.g. half of the height or width)

    Floating.js : JavaScript Animated Floating Elements

    Floating.js : JavaScript Animated Floating Elements

    Floating js is a animated float a number of things up on a page (hearts, flowers, emojis, words …).

    Lace Patterns in CSS

    Lace Patterns in CSS

    I’ve recently decided to surprise my friends with a web page dedicated to their upcoming wedding — quite a beneficial topic in terms of experiments with various decorative elements like ribbons, frames, and lace. At the same time, I’m up to implement the maximum of such decorations in pure CSS for my own pleasure.

    In this article, I want to share the way I managed to “weave” lace patterns for the future website with the help of radial and linear gradients.

    amCharts : Weather Map a JavaScript library

    amCharts : Weather Map a JavaScript library

    amCharts Weather Map is a JavaScript library that helps your create beautiful, dynamically-updated, searchable maps and charts with all kinds of weather-related information

    Reveal : Scroll Reveal Animations jQuery Plugin

    Reveal : Scroll Reveal Animations jQuery Plugin

    Reveal is a scroll reveal animations framework with unlimited animation possibilities. Reveal animations can be used with any element in your page. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, Reveal is guaranteed to offer an unmatched scroll reveal animation and design experience.

    fbMessenger : jQuery Fake Facebook Messenger Interactions Plugin

    fbMessenger : jQuery Fake Facebook Messenger Interactions Plugin

    A jQuery plugin to easily visualize fake Facebook Messenger interactions, with an iPhone theme. Ideal for your bot landing page.

    jQuery Sticky Header Footer Plugin

    jQuery Sticky Header Footer Plugin

    jQuery plugin that dynamically sticks content headers and footers to the top and bottom of viewport.

    SlideBox : jQuery Animated Sliding Box

    SlideBox : jQuery Animated Sliding Box

    A simple light-weight jQuery plugin that makes a <div> (or another block element) moving from outside the page to one side of your choice when scrolling to a specific point.

    • uses .animate() with callback function
    • all directions are customizable
    • can be triggered when any DOMElement is visible or at any specific offset
    • closing option for the whole session on the page available