Now open is a lightweight jQuery plugin to determine if a the current times falls within a given set of times and days.
Scroll to Style jQuery Plugin
scrollToStyle is a versatile tool that lets you manage CSS properties of elements using the page scroll.
You will be able to compel the elements move, change their size, color, opacity, background and many other properties.
- Management absolutely all the properties of a numeric value
- Browser Support depends only on selected properties
- It manages multiple properties of the same element
- Management fractional property values and control the number of decimal places
- Fixing of the screen during an animation
- Animation range control
jQuery Responsive Miller Columns
This is a Jquery plugin that implements Miller Columns with responsive design. Miller columns (also known as Cascading) are a browsing/visualization technique that can be applied to tree structures. The columns allow multiple levels of the hierarchy to be open at once, and provide a visual representation of the current location.
Advanced Autocomplete with jQuery & Ajax
An (arguably) lightweight plugin to add filter and autocomplete funcionality to inputs, with or without the use of ajax, with or without the need for the user to start searching for a therm before showing results.
- Fixed options (is like a select box or a filter box)
- Ajax request (proper autocomplete)
- Controlled by mouse and keyboard
- Minified, weights around 5KB
amCharts Data Loader with JSON or CSV Files
By default all amCharts libraries accept data in JSON format. It needs to be there when the web page loads, defined in-line or loaded via custom code.
This plugin introduces are native wrapper that enables automatic loading of data from external data data sources in CSV and JSON formats.
Facebook Trafic Generator : jQuery Plugin
The Facebook Traffic Generator gives the ability to lock any page on your website and make it visible only if the visitor clicks the Like button. Increase you facebook page fans, URL likes and Shares & Drive more Social traffic to your website.
- Lock any content on your pages/posts/website.
- Visitors need to like or share with Facebook to unlock your content.
- Lock an unlimited number of contents (on several pages/posts).
- Customize the title on locking page.
- CSS file to customize the locked content and invite to unlock texts.
- Ability to force the visitors to like or share the page on their Facebook wall to unlock the content (New).
- Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!