Table-dragger : Easily drag and drop sorting Table

    Table-dragger : Easily drag and drop sorting Table

    Table-dragger is a minimalist plain Javascript library for building reorderable drag-and-drop table.


    • Super easy to set up
    • Cellspacing, cellpadding, col and colgroup in account
    • Able to sort columns or rows at the same time
    • Smooth animation when sort
    • No bloated dependencies
    • Touch events

    Footer-reveal.js : jQuery Fixed or Reveal Footer Effect Plugin

    Footer-reveal.js : jQuery Fixed or Reveal Footer Effect Plugin

    Footer-reveal.js is a jQuery plugin for easy implementation of the ‘fixed/reveal’ footer effect.

    Unibox : jQuery Universal Search box Plugin

    Unibox : jQuery Universal Search box Plugin

    Unibox is a jQuery Plugin for a universal search box with search suggestion.

    jQuery Pretty Dropdowns Menus

    jQuery Pretty Dropdowns Menus

    Pretty Dropdowns is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that converts <select> drop-down menus into “pretty” menus that you can style using CSS. Full keyboard navigation is supported (you can go directly to a menu option by typing its text). As an extra bonus, it does its best to keep the menu options within the viewport.

    jQuery Store Locator Plugin

    jQuery Store Locator Plugin

    Simple jQuery Plugin to show your stores on Google Maps.

    • load your data from a json file.
    • list and a detail site, fully customizable with jQuery template.
    • ability to set custom icon or for categories
    • ability to detect users location or by type his location
    • ability to use markercluster
    • customizable filter navigation
    • get a google maps panorama view for detail site
    • ability to use a route planner
    • simple search filter for list
    • customizable google map style

    sparkleHover.js : jQuery Animated Sparkles Plugin

    sparkleHover.js : jQuery Animated Sparkles Plugin

    sparkleHover is a jQuery plugin to add sparkles to anything on hover.

    CSS Animated Letters Effect

    CSS Animated Letters Effect

    Short and funny phrases using CSS3 to make the animation.

    Progress Nav : CSS Animate Mark on Scroll

    Progress Nav : CSS Animate Mark on Scroll

    Progress Nav page demonstrates an idea for how progress can be visualized inside of a standard page nav. Scroll the page and note how the marker animates to highlight all of the sections that are currently on screen.

    AlphaIndex : jQuery Alphabetical Indexes plugin from Lists

    AlphaIndex : jQuery Alphabetical Indexes plugin from Lists

    jQuery plugin to create alphabetical indexes for your lists.An alphabetical index may help your users to navigate through a long list of items.

    Unmatrix : jQuery plugin to Decomposes a CSS Transform

    Unmatrix : jQuery plugin to Decomposes a CSS Transform

    Unmatrix is a jQuery plugin that decomposes a CSS transform matrix into intelligible values.The plugin returns an array of objects if the browser supports transforms, or false if it doesn’t. Each item in the array can be either an empty object if the element has no transforms, or an object with the following properties: rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, skew, skewX, skewY, translateX, translateY, translateZ.