jQuery Autocomplete with Json

    jQuery Autocomplete with Json
    Autocomplete, or word completion, is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing. In graphical user interfaces, users can typically press the tab key to accept a suggestion or the down arrow key to accept one of several. Today, I’m showing you how you can create a very simple autocomplete demo with jquery and json code.

    jQuery SVG Animated PopUp

    jQuery SVG Animated PopUp
    • There is a solution – the jQuery-the svg-popup .
    • Quick – the formation of the particles based on the basis of SVG.
    • Easy – just plug weight 5kb.
    • Easy to use – it has documentation in Russian.
    • Eto decision to diversify the design of your site, and give the uniqueness and style!

    Ultraselect : jQuery MultiSelect Plugin

    Ultraselect : jQuery MultiSelect Plugin

    Ultraselect is a component was born as a fork of a jQuery plugin called jQuery multiSelect.

    Poly-Decomp.js : Decompose 2D polygons into convex pieces

    Poly-Decomp.js : Decompose 2D polygons into convex pieces

    Poly-Decomp.js is a library for decomposing 2D polygons into convex regions.

    StoryMapJS : Maps that tell Stories

    StoryMapJS : Maps that tell Stories

    StoryMapJS is a simple tool to help you tell stories with maps. If you want information on creating JSON with your own code and embedding it, see the “Advanced” documentation on the StoryMap website.

    First : jQuery Responsive Timeline

    First : jQuery Responsive Timeline

    You can create your own timeline for your personal website or portfolio. This timeline based on CSS3 and jQuery. It consist of very simple interface for editing ,modern design and various transitions styles. Included are over 40+ animations, 10+ styles. The timeline is fully responsive and supports all HTML content such as iframes, text, images, videos, audio among others. It works in all modern devices and browsers from desktop to mobile.

    • 14 various styles
    • 45 transition styles
    • Multi-purpose timeline
    • Work with any themes
    • Fully responsive
    • Vertical and horizontal style
    • Modern and clean design
    • Easy edit
    • Documentation included
    • 7/24 support

    Tilt.js : jQuery Parallax Tilt Hover Effect

    Tilt.js : jQuery Parallax Tilt Hover Effect

    Tilt.js is a tiny request AnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax tilt effect for jQuery.

    fs-pushmenu : jQuery Multi-level Push Menu

    fs-pushmenu : jQuery Multi-level Push Menu

    fs-pushmenu is multi-level push menu from scratch with SASS and jQuery.

    imageR : jQuery Plugin to show Different sizes Images at Break Points

    imageR : jQuery Plugin to show Different sizes Images at Break Points

    imageR jQuery plugin allows you to add data attr to an image tag or element with a background image to supply different sizes images at different brake points. To save bandwidth when viewing on a mobile but supply sharp large images to larger displays.

    Dirrty : jQuery plugin to detect Form Field’s Modification

    Dirrty : jQuery plugin to detect Form Field's Modification

    Dirrty lightweight jquery plugin to detect if the fields of a form had been modified.
    If a field has been modified then the form is dirrty

    • Detect the moment when the form gets dirty, and trigger a custom event, for example enable a “save changes” button
    • Detect the moment when the form gets clean again, and trigger a custom event, for example disable the “save changes” button, cause is not necesary
    • Prompt the user to save changes before leaving if the form is dirty