jQuery Parallax Scroll Snap with Slider

    jQuery Parallax Scroll Snap with Slider

    Creates a parallax backgrounds effect for sections by snapping to them on mouse scroll.Ideal for one page sites. Easy to configure and setup.

    SmartWizard : jQuery Step Wizard Plugin

    SmartWizard : jQuery Step Wizard Plugin

    Smart Wizard is a flexible and heavily customizable jQuery step wizard plugin with Bootstrap support. It is easy to implement and gives a neat and stylish interface for your forms, checkout screen, registration steps etc. Based on the feedback from our users over the past years we have come up with the best ever built jQuery wizard plugin of all time.


    • Bootstrap support
    • Responsive themes
    • Heavily customizable toolbar, option to add extra buttons
    • Theme support with various themes included
    • Customizable css styles
    • Url navigation and step selection
    • Public methods for external function call
    • Enhanced event support
    • In-built wizard reset method
    • Ajax content loading with option to specify individual url for steps
    • Keyboard navigation

    Contact Form to Google Spreadsheet with jQuery

    Contact Form to Google Spreadsheet with jQuery

    Create Contact Form in HTML and submit the data to Google Spreadsheet. Google re-captcha has been integrated to protect forms to be submitted by robots. Check the demo and documentation for more details.


    • Google Spreadsheet as database: Uses Google Spreadsheet to capture form responses. New responses can be appended at the top.
    • Simple Form: Designed with simple HTML5, CSS3 and bootstrap.
    • Protection: Google re-captcha to prevent spamming.
    • Customization: You can customize the form according to your own requirement.
    • Look and feel: Bootstrap two column layout, responsive. Shows status loader when the form is being submitted.
    • Notification: Can send notification email to the admin with submitted form data.

    NoobScroll : jQuery plugin for Scrolling Effects

    NoobScroll : jQuery plugin for Scrolling Effects

    Noob Scroll is a lightweight jQuery Plugin that add some cool function to make scrolling more fun.

    cSelect : jQuery Custom Select Box Plugin

    cSelect : jQuery Custom Select Box Plugin

    jQuery cSelect is a plugin that creates custom select boxes and uses native select methods.

    Developer/Designer Page Layout Concept with JavaScript

    Developer/Designer Page Layout Concept with JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share a simple page layout concept with you. The theme of the page is a developer/designer portfolio where we add a special effect for revealing the “other” quality of the designer. When you open the demo, you’ll notice a kind of “glitch” effect on some words and also on the portrait. The glitch reveals the “coder side”. When clicking on the “coder” switch in the lower left corner, the image will be taken apart and animated with little rectangles, revealing another image behind. At this point everything will switch to the developer (or coder) view.

    Grid Loading Animations with JavaScript & CSS

    Grid Loading Animations with JavaScript & CSS

    Today we’d like to share a set of simple, inspirational loading animations for grid items with you. The idea is to show some image grid items with a (subtle) animation after loading has finished. For the demo we have three slightly different grid layouts with different gutters and column numbers.

    RandPos : jQuery Amazing Testimonials Plugin

    RandPos : jQuery Amazing Testamonials Plugin

    Create amazing and modern-looking galleries or Testimonials by spreading elements random in a certain area.

    jQuery Parallax Background Plugin : Parallax-background.js

    jQuery Parallax Background Plugin : Parallax-background.js

    Parallax-background.js is a background scrolling effect which is designed for you to create beautiful and smooth parallax websites. Enjoy, it’s so simple!

    SweetModal : Sweet & Powerful Modals using jQuery

    SweetModal : Sweet & Powerful Modals using jQuery

    SweetModal is a sweet, easy and powerful modals using jQuery.