jQuery Sticky Table Header Plugin

    jQuery Sticky Table Header Plugin

    A small and accessible jQuery plugin for adding sticky headers to large data tables.


    • Supports multiple tables on one page
    • Uses position: fixed that allows smooth scrolling and a wide range of browser support
    • Screenreader support
    • Minimal DOM updates in scroll event

    ScrollCallback : jQuery Scrolling Watch Event Plugin

    ScrollCallback : jQuery Scrolling Watch Event Plugin

    ScrollCallback is easy way to watch specific DOM-elements scrolling into and out of view and fires a callback for them.

    ViewBox : jQuery Plugin for Displaying Images

    ViewBox : jQuery Plugin for Displaying Images

    Viewbox is a jQuery plugin for displaying images and other HTML content.

    SHOUT : HTML5 Radio Player With Ads

    SHOUT : HTML5 Radio Player With Ads

    Just add the radio stream and the player will get radio name, radio categories, current playing song and artist photo.It supports ShoutCast and IceCast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams but only on browsers which support AAC.

    FormulaParser : Formula string parser working in pure JavaScript

    FormulaParser : Formula string parser working in pure JavaScript

    Formula Parser can helps you make object of the formulas by parsing.This plugin provides validtor, parser and unparser.And this feature can be executed on the old browser version like IE 7 or higher version. (Chrome, Firefox also can be used)

    jQuery Text Counter Plugin

    jQuery Text Counter Plugin

    A jQuery plugin for counting and limiting characters/words on text input, or textarea, elements.

    Fuzzysort : Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript

    Fuzzysort : Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript

    Fuzzysort is a fast sublimeText like fuzzy search for JavaScript.

    Pts.js : Compose and Visualize Points in Spaces

    Pts.js : Compose and Visualize Points in Spaces

    Pts is a new typescript/es6 library that enables you to compose and visualize points in spaces.

    IVIS : jQuery Chart editor for Interactive Visualisation

    IVIS : jQuery Chart editor for Interactive Visualisation

    IVIS is a chart editor for interactive visualisation, based on jQuery and HighCharts. Chart types include dot/scatter, 2D scatter, line, bar/column, pie, and heat map. It’s powerful when analysing large data sets.

    • Dot / Scatter plot: X as names and Y holding one or more values
    • 2D Scatter (XY Plot) using X-Y paird values, such as volcano plot, MA plot, 2D PCA, correlation chart, standard curve and so on
    • Bar / Column chart: can use grouped data
    • Line chart: multiple series can be plotted
    • Pie chart: in 2D or 3D
    • Heatmap fast overview of many data points

    Stuquery : A lightweight DOM Manipulator

    Stuquery : A lightweight DOM Manipulator

    A lightweight DOM manipulator. I created this because jQuery was getting far too big and I only needed a few basic features. I’ve tried to replicate the function names and calling methods from jQuery to make it easy to switch back-and-forth.