jQuery Showcase : Modal Window Plugin

    jQuery Showcase : Modal Window Plugin

    The jQuery Showcase Plugin makes it easy to display content in a modal window. The plugin attempts to intelligently guess the type of content that will be displayed by looking for images, media, links, or other general HTML content

    Bootstrap Strength Meter with jQuery

    Bootstrap Strength Meter with jQuery

    Bootstrap Strength Meter is a simple password strength meter based on Password Score.

    SVGFlowBox : SVG based Event Highlighting

    SVGFlowBox : SVG based Event Highlighting

    SVGFlowBox is a lightweight SVG based event highlighting on flow paths.

    Full Image Reveal Effect with TweenMax Animation

    Full Image Reveal Effect with TweenMax Animation

    Today we’d like to share a simple fullscreen image reveal effect with you. The idea is to have an inital thumbnails layout at the bottom of the page and then animate the items when we click them. A covering element comes sliding in and when it moves out, the fullscreen image view is shown behind. We are using TweenMax for the animations.

    liike.js : Tiny JavaScript Tweening Library

    liike.js : Tiny JavaScript Tweening Library

    Liike is a Finnish word and means movementmotion. It’s a minimalistic library to create performant custom JS tweens no matter what you’re tweening.

    When you create a tween, Liike will create a single render loop on-demand for every tweens running and use DOMHighResTimeStamp (provided by requestAnimationFrame), which should be accurate to 5 µs. If the delay is 0, Liike will start the tween at the next animation frame and count the duration from there.

    Vivid.Js : JavaScript Library to use SVG Icons

    Vivid.Js : JavaScript Library to use SVG Icons

    Vivid.JS is a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze.

    Motus : Scrolling Animation Library

    Motus : Scrolling Animation Library

    Motus is a animation library that mimics CSS keyframes when scrolling.

    Ultimate GDPR Compliance jQuery Toolkit

    Ultimate GDPR Compliance jQuery Toolkit

    Ultimate GDPR Compliance jQuery Toolkit is all-in-one solution for your website.

    Meet ALL GDPR REQUIREMENTS, such as:

    • Data Access – Dedicated form for Users to access currently stored personal data,
    • Right to be Forgotten – Dedicated form for Users to request deletion of stored data,
    • Cookie Consents – create dedicated box for Cookie Consent and block all cookies until cookie consent is given
    • Add consent boxes for various forms on your website
    • Check what cookies are used on your website
    • Easy integration with ANY website
    • 5* Customer Support
    • Online Documentation

    jQuery Video Background Plugin

    jQuery Video Background Plugin

    jQuery plugin to show videos as a background of html elements.

    Timing Field : jQuery Time Selector Plugin

    Timing Field : jQuery Time Selector Plugin

    Timing Field is a jquery plugin to transform a timestamp field into an hours/minutes/seconds selector.