Motion Reveal Slideshow with CSS & TweenMax Js

    Motion Reveal Slideshow with CSS & TweenMax Js

    Today we’d like to share another slideshow with you. The idea is to have a bit more of motion when navigating between the slides and showing another preview part with a fullscreen image.The animations are powered by TweenMax.

    jQuery Cookie Consent Plugin : ihavecookies

    jQuery Cookie Consent Plugin : ihavecookies

    A lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a cookie consent message as required by EU regulation. The plugin displays a message on the user’s first visit to your website and, by default, again 30 days after their last visit.

    The visitor must click the accept button within the popup for the cookie to be set thus granting their consent (GDPR).

    SelectPage : A simple Style & Powerful Selection jQuery plugin

    SelectPage : A simple Style & Powerful Selection jQuery plugin

    A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features.

    Stratum.js : jQuery Masonry Grid Library

    Stratum.js : jQuery Masonry Grid Library

    Stratum.js is a small jQuery plugin for creating awesome masonry grid.

    slowNumber.js : Simplest and fastest way of Animating your Numbers

    slowNumber.js : Simplest and fastest way of Animating your Numbers

    slowNumber.js is a simplest and fastest way of animating your numbers.You can set how much frames per second your animation will have.Focusing on fps, it doesn’t spend resources unnecessarily changing the numbers.

    Animate any number

    • Content
    • SVG properties
    • CSS properties

    Popbox.js : JavaScript Stackable Modals Plugin

    Popbox.js : JavaScript Stackable Modals Plugin

    Popbox.js is a tiny javascript plugin for creating stackable modals. It is fully customizable and dependency free.

    Pushbar.js : JavaScript Sliding Drawers Plugin

    Pushbar.js : JavaScript Sliding Drawers Plugin

    Pushbar.js is a tiny javascript plugin for creating sliding drawers in web apps It is fully customizable and dependency free.You can use it as sidebar menus or option drawers.

    Wizzy : A simple and Modern Wizard Plugin

    Wizzy : A simple and Modern Wizard Plugin

    Wizzy is a responsive modern jQuery based plugin with nice and sleek UI, cool animations and lots of features and options to play with.

    Ramd.js : JavaScript library for making Web Applications

    Ramd.js : JavaScript library for making Web Applications

    RAMD or Render – Add – Modify – Delete is minimal 0.65 kb library for making simple list projects. Everything is based on the “simplified virtual DOM” that is basically JavaScript Object listing the essential element properties. This Object acts like internal DB that can be stored locally or send to the server. The importance of the “virtualdom” vs DOM is not about the speed but rather ease of use and storage.

    Canvas Slicer Slider with JavaScript

    Canvas Slicer Slider with JavaScript

    Canvas Slicer is a unique and easy to use slider with awesome transition effects, which you can also create yourself. Written with pure object oriented javascript. It has easy to implement and configure. This slider will add your page eye-catching effect.

    • 9 unique animation effects or set your effect.
    • Responsive
    • Directional navigation
    • Touch screen support
    • Helpful API functions are provided
    • Developed with pure object oriented javascript
    • Simple clean and valid markup