Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js

    Animate Images and Videos with curtains.js

    curtains.js was created with just that issue in mind. It is a small vanilla WebGL javascript library that converts HTML elements containing images and videos into 3D WebGL textured planes, allowing you to animate them via shaders.
    You can define each plane size and position via CSS, which makes it super easy to add WebGL responsive planes all over your pages.

    Lazyestload.js : JavaScript Lazy Load Images Library

    Lazyestload.js : JavaScript Lazy Load Images Library

    Lazyestload.js is a javascript library which load images only when they are in (and remain in) the viewport.

    dna.js : Uncomplicated User Interface library for Semantic Templates

    dna.js : Uncomplicated User Interface library for Semantic Templates

    dna.js is a lightweight easy-to-use UI library for jQuery enabling developers to rapidly build maintainable JavaScript applications.  You write semantic templates and then dna.js converts your JSON data into dynamically generated DOM elements.

    Turn Static web sites into dynamic Web Apps : hy-push-state

    Turn Static web sites into dynamic Web Apps : hy-push-state

    hy-push-state is a web component that lets you turn web pages into web apps. The component dynamically loads new content (formerly known as “ajax”) and inserts it into the current page, without causing Flash of White, Flash of Unstyled Content, etc.

    hy-push-state is similar to pjax and smoothState, but offers a more advanced pre-fetching logic and gives you more control over its internals to enable advanced page transition animations.

    Diagonal Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS

    Diagonal Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS

    A slideshow with a “diagonal” look and three visible slides. A decorative background element expands to fullscreen when opening the content preview.The animations are powered by TweenMax.

    When.datepicker : Date Range Picker Plugin

    When.datepicker : Date Range Picker Plugin

    When is a small Date Range Picker plugin for your website, which runs without any frameworks. It can be used as a single date or range selection picker. Can be shown inline or used as a dropdown attached to an input. The plugin is very lightweight plugin (less than 15kb minified and gzipped).


    • Fully Customizable
    • Inline Support
    • 100+ Languages
    • Less than 15kb
    • Disabling dates in a specific range
    • Single Date Support
    • Powerful API
    • Fast month and year navigation

    Geomapify : Ultimate library for Google Maps Autocomplete

    Geomapify : Ultimate library for Google Maps Autocomplete

    Geomapify is a ultimate javascript library for Google Maps Autocomplete.

    SVG 3D Builder : JavaScript Library to create 3D Models

    SVG 3D Builder : JavaScript Library to create 3D Models

    SVG 3D Builder framework aims at creating 3d models with SVG and to provide a concise API. It is purely developed with concepts of two-dimensions. One of its essential implementations is Bezier in both curve and surface. It is one thing to describe them with mathematic equations, but another thing to illustrate them with computer graphics.

    Beedle : JavaScript Library to help Manage State

    Beedle : JavaScript Library to help Manage State

    Beedle is a tiny library to help you manage state across your application. Inspired by great libraries like Vuex and Redux, Beedle creates a central store that enables you predictably control and cascade state across your application.

    Whs.js : Super-fast 3D framework for Web Applications & Games

    Whs.js : Super-fast 3D framework for Web Applications & Games

    whs.js is a framework for 3D web apps built with Three.js technology.It implements a core with component system and plugin support for fast development of 3D scene with physics.


    • gem Simple in usage
    • rocket Speeds up 3D scene prototyping
    • electric_plug Component based scene graph
    • bomb Simple integration of any high performance physics even with Worker (Multithreading)
    • dizzy Automatization of rendering
    • new ES2015+ based
    • large_blue_diamond Extension system (modules)
    • package Webpack friendly
    • heavy_check_mark Integrated Three.js rendering engine
    • revolving_hearts Work with whs.js and Three.js at the same time