Magnificent.js : jQuery Responsive Zoom Image plugin

    Magnificent.js : jQuery Responsive Zoom Image plugin

    A jQuery plugin for responsive zoom of images & more!

    jQuery IntroLoader : Animated Intro Loading Pages

    jQuery IntroLoader : Animated Intro Loading Pages

    A jQuery plugin for generate animated Intro Loading Pages.This plugin help jquery beginners to add some cool animated intro page on a website.

    HTML to PDF : jQuery Plugin

    HTML to PDF : jQuery Plugin

    The HTML to PDF plugin allows you to create content that a visitor can download via PDF. This jQuery plugin allows you to easily change the text on the download button as well as the file name of the generated PDF.

    jQuery Autotab Plugin

    jQuery Autotab Plugin

    Autotab is a jQuery plugin that provides auto tabbing and filtering on text fields in a form. Once the maximum number of characters has been reached within a text field, the focus is automatically set to a defined element. Likewise, clearing out the text field’s content by pressing backspace eventually places the focus on a previous element.

    jQuery Tabledit : Inline editor for HTML tables

    jQuery Tabledit : Inline editor for HTML tables

    Inline editor for HTML tables compatible with Bootstrap.

    Modularux jQuery – Responsive Grid Facetracking

    Modularux jQuery - Responsive Grid Facetracking

    ModularUX jquery plugin is an easy and customizable content grid maker, built in well-designed javascript and html5 / css3. Use a json file with your sitemap and ModularUX will do the hard work.

    Modularux divides in an easy way your web in pieces to an innovate interface with css3 animations. Is easy to use, and you can make it work for any of your webs (html, php, etc.).

    jQuery Actual Plugin

    jQuery Actual Plugin

    Get the actual width/height of invisible DOM elements with jQuery.With element or its parent element has css property ‘display’ set to ‘none’. $('.hidden').width(); will return 0 instead of the actual width; This plugin simply fix it.

    Useful Photomap.js : Photo Map

    Useful Photomap.js : Photo Map

    Plots the GPS data of the photos in a slideshow on a map.

    jQuery Tween : Stylish and Unified Animation

    jQuery Tween : Stylish and Unified Animation

    A jQuery plugin provides a stylish and unified animation for your browser based app. This plugin is designed to work on modern browsers including smartphone browsers in addition to old browsers such as IE 6-8.

    jQuery Bootstrap Steps Wizard

    jQuery Bootstrap Steps Wizard

    This Twitter Bootstrap plugin builds a wizard using a formatted tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps and using events allows to hook into each step individually.