Animatrix Creative – Drawing SVG Animations Plugin

    Animatrix Creative - Drawing SVG Animations Plugin

    Animatrix Creative allows you to draw and animate SVG images.Professional SVG Image WYSIWYG Editor is included in this plugin, and can be accessed from the admin area. You can draw with the default Pencil tool or create shapes out of the rich Shapes library.

    All SVG images are animated on the front-side, by mimicking the drawing process. You can also export and save the SVG image as well.

    jQuery Responsive Menu

    jQuery Responsive Menu

    jQuery Responsive Menu is a drop-down menu for responsive websites. It is a jQuery plugin that includes a JavaScript file and CSS file as well as sample HTML.

    jQuery Repeatable List Item

    jQuery Repeatable List Item

    jQuery repeatable list item with doT.js template engine.

    Calx : jQuery plugin for building Calculation Form

    Calx : jQuery plugin for building Calculation Form

    jQuery Calx is an Excel calculation engine and formula parser built as jQuery plugin.

    • Rewrite the internal formula parser and plugin structure.
    • Ability to register new function and override default one.
    • Ability to register variable.
    • Easy graph to represent data in graphical way (additional library required)
    • Add support for string and cell range.
    • Add a lot of excel compatible function (additional library may be required).
    • Add feature to check circular reference, instead of infinite loop which make the page hang up, it’s now alerting error.
    • Add support for server-side function formula, in case you want to hide the calculation algorithm.
    • Add support to change formula, value, format easily without need to write tricky script.

    Dug.js : A JSONP to HTML Script

    Dug.js : A JSONP to HTML Script

    Dug.js was designed to be a lightweight, simple, library-independent script to pull in feeds of content available on the web as JSONP to display on your site. There are a few parameters that you can pass into dug to do some additional schnazzy things.

    TurboTabs : Responsive Tabs jQuery Plugin

    TurboTabs : Responsive Tabs jQuery Plugin

    TurboTabs is responsive Tabs  jQuery Plugin with plenty of options. HTML markup is very simple to follow , jQuery will do all the magic. Tab transforms into an accordion on smaller devices, but there is also an option to use it as accordion instead of the tab if you like.

    • Responsive
    • Simple HTML Markup to follow
    • Lightweight – only 5kb in minified version
    • Customize Colors and other otpions with online options builder
    • Choose between horizontal, vertical or accordion mode
    • Customize almost everything with plenty of options available

    30 CSS Page Preload Animations

    30 CSS Page Preload Animations

    30 CSS page preload animations that used only CSS for the animation, jQuery was used just to hide the animation. You can hide the loading screen just by clicking anywhere on the screen.

    Those animations are best suited for content that takes some time to load like an image gallery.

    Embed-js : jQuery plugin for Automatic Media Embedding system

    Embed-js : jQuery plugin for Automatic Media Embedding system

    A jQuery plugin for converting text emojis into image-based emoticons, also supporting an automatic media embedding system for multimedia URLs (earlier emoticons-js).

    • Converts emoticon text codes into emoticons :smile: , :heart:
    • Finds links in text input and turns them into html links.
    • Youtube and Vimeo video embedding with video details fetched from the api.
    • HTML5 player supported media embedding (mp3,mp4,ogg)
    • PDF viewing with preview and then the actual pdf in a frame.
    • Inline Code Syntax highlighting (uses highlight.js)
    • Twitter tweet embedding supported
    • Codepen, jsbin,ideone, jsfiddle and plunker embed supported
    • soundcloud and spotify support
    • Twitch tv, dotSub, dailymotion, vine,TED and liveLeak support.
    • Google map location embed

    jQueryTween : Lightest Tweening Engine for jQuery

    jQueryTween : Lightest Tweening Engine for jQuery

    A super light & simple jQuery plugin that works as a controller for tween.js (javascript animation engine), and for jQuery users, makes work alot easier. Imagine writing init(), animate() and update() over and over again.

    This plugin is a bridge to tween.js and aims to drastically simplify your work. Each script does what it does best, for high performance hardware accelerated animations.

    Gooey Menu : Cool gooey effects Menu with jQuery & SVG

    Gooey Menu: Cool gooey effects Menu with jQuery & SVG

    jQuery Menu Plugin With Cool Gooey Effects

    • Cool gooey effects using SVG filters
    • Six menu styles (spaced/stacked round, horizontal, vertical menus)
    • 15+ easily customizable options
    • Easy to use event API
    • Fully responsive layout
    • Support of all modern browsers