jQuery Animate Particles Burst Plugin

    jQuery Animate Particles Burst Plugin

    This plugin generates particules from an element.Images are appended to the DOM then fade in, animate randomly, fade out.Multiple calls generate the particule effect.

    Pixi.js : A 2D JavaScript Renderer

    Pixi.js : A 2D JavaScript Renderer

    Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback.The aim of this project is to provide a fast lightweight 2D library that works across all devices. The Pixi renderer allows everyone to enjoy the power of hardware acceleration without prior knowledge of WebGL.


    • WebGL renderer (with automatic smart batching allowing for REALLY fast performance)
    • Canvas renderer (Fastest in town!)
    • Full scene graph
    • Super easy to use API (similar to the flash display list API)
    • Support for texture atlases
    • Asset loader / sprite sheet loader
    • Auto-detect which renderer should be used
    • Full Mouse and Multi-touch Interaction
    • Text
    • BitmapFont text
    • Multiline Text
    • Render Texture
    • Spine support
    • Primitive Drawing
    • Masking
    • Filters

    Responsive Menu with Sliding Down Transition

    Responsive Menu with Sliding Down Transition

    A responsive menu with transitions and fallback support for older browsers. This menu works sliding down the content with a background mask that adjusts to screen height.

    • Responsive
    • Works with a mask
    • Supports scrollbar if content size is bigger than screen size
    • Primarily uses CSS-Transitions and then jQuery as fallback for older browsers.

    Animated Page Transition with CSS3 & jQuery

    Animated Page Transition with CSS3 & jQuery

    A CSS powered animation, that replaces the refresh of the page while the content is updated using Ajax.We used the pushState method to manipulate the browser history.

    jQuery Layered Navigation with CSS3

    jQuery Layered Navigation with CSS3

    Layered navigation allows you to easily implement a new navigation system using the jQuery JavaScript library. It combines the presentation into two sections, you won’t need cutting the images into two, an entire section, and through slides at once. It includes CSS3 animations to show the elements, a side menu to show sections and a progress bar indicates the progress along web site. It allows you to include maps and videos in a fast and easy way.

    Selectivity.js : jQuery Modular and light-weight Selection library

    Selectivity.js : jQuery Modular and light-weight Selection library

    Modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js.

    • Rich UI. Select boxes made by selectivity have rich functionality, work out of the box and are customizable.
    • Modular. Selectivity’s modular approach is aimed to make it easy to create custom builds with just the features that you care about and to easily swap modules for custom ones.
    • Light-weight. Selectivity.js is smaller than comparable selection libraries, even if you’re using the “full” build with all features packed in.
    • Compatibility. Selectivity.js can be used with both jQuery and Zepto.js and is compatible with jQuery builds without Sizzle.

    Mega Dropdown with CSS3

    Mega Dropdown with CSS3

    A responsive and easy to customise mega-dropdown component.One example we can all think of is Amazon: infinite categories, each one with its own sub-categories… that’s why they currently provide an easy-to-access navigation, in the form of a mega-dropdown element on the top-left corner of the page.

    XML to Tweet parser for jQuery

    XML to Tweet parser for jQuery

    A jQuery Plugin that takes an XML file and parses it into tweet format.xmlTweet was created due to the limitations of the Twitter API with static web pages.

    Instead of using the Twitter API, xmlTweet generates the necessary tags from a XML document. This means no PHP file is required.

    Smoke : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap

    Smoke : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap

    A jQuery plugin that is designed to work with Bootstrap 3 with lots of helpful functionality including form validation, notifications, progress bar and more.

    mb.valueSlider : jQuery Value Slider Plugin

    mb.valueSlider : jQuery Value Slider Plugin

    jquery.mb.valueSlider let you set a range between two numbers (positive or negative) and catch a value by dragging a cursor.