Ajaxable : Make your forms Instantly Ajaxable

    Ajaxable : Make your forms Instantly Ajaxable

    This library simply takes the standard HTML forms as an input and make them send requests via AJAX keeping HTML5 validations.

    Envy : Bring Charts to Terminal

    Envy : Bring Charts to Terminal

    Envy is a bring charts to terminal.

    Luna Multi Step Form with Javascript & PHP

    Luna Multi Step Form with Javascript & PHP

    Luna is a multiple steps form wizard for your potential customers and a HTML5 & CSS3 template. You can create reservation, questionarre or service form wizard easily, You can collect data from your customer with this amazing form wizard.


    • Responsive Design
    • Bootstrap Included
    • Material Design
    • Valid HTML5 & CSS3
    • Color & Image Options
    • Amazing Effects
    • Google Web Fonts integrated

    Image Reveal Hover Effects with CSS

    Image Reveal Hover Effects with CSS

    Today we’d like to share a set of link hover effects with you. The main idea is to reveal a thumbnail image with a special effect when hovering a link.The inspiration for this idea comes from the effect seen on Fuge’s website where you can see a thumbnail showing when hovering the underlined links.

    Instagram Feed – jQuery Plugin to Embed Instagram Photos

    Instagram Feed - jQuery Plugin to Embed Instagram Photos

    This jQuery Plugin allows you to embed Instagram Feed of Instagram users into your sites. Moreover, this plugin is responsive and includes many options to customize the photos, buttons, etc.

    Handy-scroll : JavaScript Floating Scrollbar Widget

    Handy-scroll : JavaScript Floating Scrollbar Widget

    Handy-scroll is a dependency-free module which can be used to solve the problem of scrolling some lengthy containers horizontally when those containers don’t fit into the viewport. The widget is just a scrollbar which is attached at the bottom of the container’s visible area. It doesn’t get out of sight when the page is scrolled, thereby making horizontal scrolling of the container much handier.

    Artarax : jQuery TreeView Plugin

    Artarax : jQuery TreeView Plugin

    Artarax is a jQuery plugin for tree view of any list with heading and sub headings

    Slate : Customizable Framework for Rich Text Editors

    Slate : Customizable Framework for Rich Text Editors

    Slate is a customizable framework that lets you build rich, intuitive editors like in Medium, Dropbox Paper or Google Docs which are becoming table stakes for applications on the web—without your codebase getting mired in complexity.

    Circular-Menu : Circular Navigation Menu with JavaScript & CSS

    Circular-Menu : Circular Navigation Menu with JavaScript & CSS

    In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create circular navigations using CSS transforms. I’m going to take you through the steps for creating these styles one by one, and explain the math (yikes!) and simple logic behind them so you get a clear understanding of the technique.

    Translater.js : Page Language Translation Solution

    Translater.js : Page Language Translation Solution

    This is a use of HTML comments page translation solution. For a small amount of static pages, this solution is more simple. it has no dependents, Compression only (~2KB) Official document.

    • Support IMG``text switching
    • Support URL parameter switching language
    • Support local cache selection