This library simply takes the standard HTML forms as an input and make them send requests via AJAX keeping HTML5 validations.
Luna Multi Step Form with Javascript & PHP
Luna is a multiple steps form wizard for your potential customers and a HTML5 & CSS3 template. You can create reservation, questionarre or service form wizard easily, You can collect data from your customer with this amazing form wizard.
- Responsive Design
- Bootstrap Included
- Material Design
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Color & Image Options
- Amazing Effects
- Google Web Fonts integrated
Image Reveal Hover Effects with CSS
Today we’d like to share a set of link hover effects with you. The main idea is to reveal a thumbnail image with a special effect when hovering a link.The inspiration for this idea comes from the effect seen on Fuge’s website where you can see a thumbnail showing when hovering the underlined links.
Translater.js : Page Language Translation Solution
This is a use of HTML comments page translation solution. For a small amount of static pages, this solution is more simple. it has no dependents, Compression only (~2KB) Official document.
- Support
switching - Support
parameter switching language - Support local cache selection