jQuery plugin that dynamically sticks content headers and footers to the top and bottom of viewport.
CSS3 Hovers Effects for Links & Buttons
A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available Sass and LESS.
- 45 unique effects
- friendly mobile device
- CSS3 animations
- Lightweight and flexible
- Easy theme customization
jQuery Mask Plugin for Form Fields
A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements.
- Built-in support for dynamically added elements.
- Masks on any HTML element (no need to server-side mask anymore!)!
- HTML notation support (data-mask, data-mask-recursive, data-mask-clearifnotmatch).
- String/Numeric/Alpha/Mixed masks.
- Reverse mask support for masks on numeric fields.
- Sanitization.
- Optional digits.
- Recursive Digits.
- Fallback Digits.
- Advanced mask initialization.
- Advanced Callbacks.
- HTML5 placeholder support.
Animated Sign Up Flow with CSS3 & jQuery
A pricing table that animates into a sign up form once the user selects a plan.
In most cases, you’ll redirect your users to a sign up page. However, if your checkout process is quite simple, an alternative approach would be to animate the pricing table, and show the checkout form right away, in the same page.