jstepper : jQuery Numeric Textfield Stepper

    jstepper : jQuery Numeric Textfield Stepper

    A jQuery plugin usable for making a numeric textfield value easy to increase or decrease with mousewheel support.

    Transitioning Buttons with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Transitioning Buttons with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Transitioning Buttons is a collection of flat buttons that morph into components. The examples show different types of components, i.e. fullscreen overlay, modal window and many more. The buttons are easy to integrate, customize and are fully responsive. The collection comes with six color themes including a quick setup guide.

    UMeditor : jQuery Rich Text Editor

    UMeditor : jQuery Rich Text Editor

    UMeditor, referred to UM, is ueditor simplified version. To meet our portal is simple reply box post boxes and demand for, customized online rich text editor. Our goal is not only to improve the online editor of editing experience, but also wants to change the threshold on the front-end technology rich text technology, so that we no longer feel this is a pit.

    1. Lightweight : the amount of code master file is 139k.
    2. Load faster : to abandon the use of traditional iframe mode, using a div loaded way to achieve faster loading speed and zero load failure rate.
    3. Customizable : CI complete, highly customized level.
    4. Scalable : code hierarchy split clear, the function as a plug-articulated, flexible customization required.
    5. More background support : support php, asp, jsp, net Fourth background deploy code
    6. Feature-rich : support insert the equation, QQ screenshots paste, drag and drop upload pictures, insert the map, Drafts function

    Priority Navigation : jQuery Responsive Navigation Menu

    Priority Navigation : jQuery Responsive Navigation Menu

    Priority Navigation is a jQuery plugin for creating arbitrarily-prioritized responsive navigation menus.

    The main feature that sets it apart from other examples, is that it allows for prioritization ordering independent from menu ordering. Menu item prioritization is managed by applying data-attributes to the elements.

    Tabtab.js : jQuery Animated Tabs Plugin

    Tabtab.js : jQuery Animated Tabs Plugin

    A simple, Accessible, 60+fps, easy-to-use animated tabs plugin for jQuery.The plugin including the velocity.js library.

    jcSlider : jQuery Responsive Slider with CSS Animations

    jcSlider : jQuery Responsive Slider with CSS Animations

    A responsive slider jQuery plugin with CSS animations.This plugin does not use jQuery animations. Only CSS3, because performance matters. No need to calculate distances, sizes or whatever, only add and remove classes to elements to animate them. It couldn’t be easier!

    • Only 1 js file
    • 1Kb minified
    • Responsive
    • Multiple effects (more than 60!)
    • Works with html, images… whatever you want to animate

    Prideify.js : jQuery Rainbow Stripes Image Effect

    Prideify.js : jQuery Rainbow Stripes Image Effect

    Inspired by https://facebook.com/celebratepride – a super-lightweight library (< 100 lines of code) to “prideify” (add rainbow stripes to) any image using the <canvas> API.

    gizmoMenu : Customizable jQuery Context Menus

    gizmoMenu : Customizable jQuery Context Menus

    gizmoMenu gives you full design control over your site’s context menu. Just copy and paste one of the HTML menu styles and modify it to your liking. All HTML is exposed – allowing you to expand gizmoMenu however you like.

    • Lightweight and easy to use
    • Copy and Paste approach – no lengthy docs!
    • DropDown style contextmenu
    • Hamburger style contextmenu
    • Horizontal style contextmenu
    • Includes 6 color presets
    • Use any menu you want – including MegaMenus!

    jQuery Animated Screenshots Plugin

    jQuery Animated Screenshots Plugin

    jQuery plugin that animates a full height screenshot (or any image) within a parent div to simulate a user scrolling the page.

    iHover : Collection of Hover Effects with CSS

    iHover : Collection of Hover Effects with CSS

    iHover is a collection of hover effects using pure CSS, inspired by codrops article, powered by Sass.

    • Pure CSS!
    • Sass CSS
    • Modular code
    • Bootstrap compatible (Bootstrap is not needed though)
    • Well documented