BlockBlaster : HTML5 Game using JS and Canvas

    BlockBlaster : HTML5 Game using JS and Canvas

    First real crack at making an HTML5 game using JS and canvas element.

    jQuery Bootstrap MaxLength for Form Inputs

    jQuery Bootstrap MaxLength for Form Inputs

    Bootstrap-Maxlength a jQuery plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum lenght of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute “maxlength” to work.

    The indicator badge shows up on focusing on the element, and disappears when the focus is lost.

    CardSlider : jQuery 3D Card-Style Image Slider

    CardSlider : jQuery 3D Card-Style Image Slider

    CardSlider is a responsive CSS3 3D Card-Style jQuery slider plugin which get inspiration from FWA landing page’s awesome slider.It can make images in to 3d card-style and animate them use CSS 3D transforms and CSS animations.

    • Responsive.
    • 3D Card-style with CSS3.
    • Dark & Light Skins included.
    • Pagination & Navigation controls.
    • AutoPlay supported.
    • Hardware Accelerated CSS 3D Transforms & Animations
    • Slide in six direction width shadow and animations.

    Dropdown.js : jQuery Nice Select DropDown Input

    Dropdown.js : jQuery Nice Select DropDown Input

    Finally a dropdown plugin that transforms select inputs in nice dropdowns and does not drive you crazy.

    jQuery Flot Bar Numbers Graph

    jQuery Flot Bar Numbers Graph

    Simple jquery flot plugin to show bar numbers in bar graph.This plugin is working well with zooming and panning (navigation plugin) too.

    Capture Image using Javascript Webcam API

    Capture Image using Javascript Webcam API

    It’s a very simple tutorial about how to capture image using JavaScript webcam API. It also includes some good features like cropping, HD quality images, etc.

    Validatrix : jQuery Lightweight Form Validation script

    Validatrix : jQuery Lightweight Form Validation script

    Validatrix is a simple lightweight form validation script.Just include the script & css and add the class .required to your required fields that’s all, just 2kb.

    Numble : Simple jQuery Number Selector

    Numble : Simple jQuery Number Selector

    Numble is a simple jQuery plugin to override the default HTML5 field to facilitate better cross browser styling and consistency. The default number input renders differently in different browsers making it difficult to match styles. numble hides the original control and adds a new element containing the hidden original. The new control allows the number to be changed using either the mouse scroll wheel or embedded increment and decrement controls.

    jQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart

    jQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart

    JQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart is solutions for those who needs to display products & and get a request for Quote by their customers its powered by jQuery, XML & Bootstrap. Using this product you can list unlimited categories & its products, where buyers can request a quote for those products. One can use this product very easily as customer just need to click on Add for Quote button products goes in cart &anp; then they can submit request for the same, You will get an email with request details. So you can resopond to it.

    Fade into view jQuery component

    Fade into view jQuery component

    Fade into view prototype for Volkswagen to make elements fade in and out of view when they enter/exit the window.