Unicoder.js : JavaScript library for Artistic Unicode Alphabets

    Unicoder.js : JavaScript library for Artistic Unicode Alphabets

    Unicoder.js is a small javascript library, which converts letters of a given text to some of the more artistic unicode alphabets.

    Unicoder.js is a stand alone, vanilla javascript library, so usage is pretty straight forward. Its a matter of creating a new instance of Unicoder, and calling translate.

    jQuery AutoGrow Input Plugin

    jQuery AutoGrow Input Plugin

    A lightweight jQuery plugin for making text input fields grow and shrink dynamically while typing.

    • Lightweight: 1.0 kB of JavaScript – less than 0.6 kB gzipped
    • Autosizes text input fields dynamically while typing
    • Set maxWidth and minWidth
    • May be used in responsive designs

    Intense Images : JavaScript Full Screen Image Viewer

    Intense Images : JavaScript Full Screen Image Viewer

    A stand alone javascript library for viewing images on the full, full screen. Using the touch/mouse position for panning.

    Intense images is a stand alone library (no jquery, or the likes) so usage is pretty straight forward. All styling of image elements is up to the user, Intense.js only handles the creation, styling and management of the image viewer and captions.

    Clean HTML5 Video Player with Playlist

    Clean HTML5 Video Player with Playlist

    Clean HTML5 Video Player with Playlist


    • Responsive layout
    • Ready for Retina Displays
    • Easy to get started, deploy in minutes
    • Highly customizable using HTML and CSS
    • Clean code + LESS
    • Playlists support
    • Multiple instances
    • Based on jPlayer (HTML5 & Flash fallback)

    SnackbarJS : jQuery plugin for Snackbars and Toasts

    SnackbarJS : jQuery plugin for Snackbars and Toasts

    SnackbarJS is a lightweight and jQuery powered plugin made to work in Bootstrap style, just like the Bootstrap tooltips work.Create Material Design snackbars and toasts with ease.

    TourBus : jQuery Tour/Walkthrough plugin

    TourBus : jQuery Tour/Walkthrough plugin

    A jQuery tour/walkthrough plugin for developers. It includes limited automatic behavior, more like a ‘toolkit’ than some of the others out there.

    Tweet to Download Files using Twitter API

    Tweet to Download Files using Twitter API

    You can use twitter api and JavaScript to increase your twitter followers. It’s a very simple article about how to unlock content when user share your content on twitter.

    SmartPlaceholder.js : jQuery Smart Input Placeholder Plugin

    SmartPlaceholder.js : jQuery Smart Input Placeholder Plugin

    A jQuery Plugin which handles HTML Input placeholder attributes smartly. Shows placeholder even when user is typing.

    SnapPuzzle : jQuery Image Puzzle Game

    SnapPuzzle : jQuery Image Puzzle Game

    A jQuery plugin for turning an image into a jigsaw puzzle game.

    • Adjustable difficulty level
    • May be used in responsive designs
    • Drag and drop
    • Callbacks

    Ladda Loading Indicators for Bootstrap 3

    Ladda Loading Indicators for Bootstrap 3

    Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback for bootstrap.It is drive from original ladda loading indication by hakimel.