jQuery Scrolling Stops Event Plugin

    jQuery Scrolling Stops Event Plugin

    A jQuery plugin that fires events when scrolling stops and starts.

    taggingJS : jQuery plugin for Tagging

    taggingJS : jQuery plugin for Tagging

    taggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system. It is like 5 kb and support major browsers in the world!

    CSS Scroll Snap Galleries

    CSS Scroll Snap Galleries

    Scroll snapping is used widely for a better separation of the provided content (vertical full height pages) or, for example, to emulate galleries behavior.Can you imagine how easy would be creating such effects using CSS only?

    Nested Nav : jQuery Bootstrap Nested Menus

    Nested Nav : jQuery Bootstrap Nested Menus

    A bootstrap mobile menu jQuery plugin for deeply nested menus. Works with Bootstrap 2.3 – 3.+ or any markup that meets minimal, customizable requirements.

    Validetta : A tiny jQuery plugin for Validate Forms

    Validetta : A tiny jQuery plugin for Validate Forms

    Validetta is a tiny jQuery plugin which you can do client-side validation of your forms. It aims to decrease your burden with easy usage and flexible structure.

    StickySort : jQuery Plugin for Tables with Sticky Header

    StickySort : jQuery Plugin for Tables with Sticky Header

    StickySort is a jQuery plugin that creates sticky headers and columns on your tables, complete with the possibility to add a sortable functionality. This plugin was inspired by a recent task at work where I have to create sticky headers to allow users to orient themselves in large tables that, at many instances, fill the full height of the viewport.

    Minimit Anima : Css3 Transitions and Transforms with jQuery

    Minimit Anima : Css3 Transitions and Transforms with jQuery

    Jquery plugin to animate with Css3 transforms and transitions with fallback for older browsers.It’s built to have fast animation execution, and it has an api similar to jquery animate, with animations queueing.

    By default the anima method do automatic fallback animations on browsers without transitions or transform3d, and instant animations on browsers without transform.It also does scale, rotate and skew animations on browsers without transitions.

    GifLinks : JavaScript Full Screen Gif Action

    GifLinks : JavaScript Full Screen Gif Action

    A simple javascript library used for adding full screen gif action as a hover effect.

    GifLinks is a stand alone library (no jquery, or the likes) so usage is pretty straight forward. All styling of elements is up to the user, GifLinks.js only handles the creation, styling and management of the gif popup, as well as providing a few css classes for custom styling.

    EasyAudioEffects : jQuery Sound Effects Plugin

    EasyAudioEffects : jQuery Sound Effects Plugin

    easyAudioEffects.js easyAudioEffects.js is jquery plug-in. This can be given a very easy sound effects for any of the elements on your WEB site.

    jQuery fatNav : Fullscreen Menu

    jQuery fatNav : Fullscreen Menu

    Chubby fullscreen menu with nice hamburger toggle.