Bootstrap Chosen : AutoComplete Select Box for Bootstrap

    Bootstrap Chosen : AutoComplete Select Box for Bootstrap

    An alternate stylesheet for Chosen that integrates with Bootstrap.

    Martin.js : JavaScript library to work with HTML5 Canvas

    Martin.js : JavaScript library to work with HTML5 Canvas

    Martin.js is a JavaScript library for working with HTML5 canvas, to make photo manipulation and drawing in browser easy for developers and users.

    ArtCanvas.js : HTML5 Canvas Library

    ArtCanvas.js : HTML5 Canvas Library

    This library enables to create image authoring application like Photoshop.
    In concrete, this library may be useful to implement the following features.

    • Layer
    • Draw (Pen, Figure, Text ..etc)
    • Styles (Color, Line Width, Text Styles …etc)
    • Transforms (Translate, Scale, Rotate)
    • Tools for drawing

    jQuery Watch : Plugin to watch CSS style Changes

    jQuery Watch : Plugin to watch CSS style Changes

    A jQuery plug-in allows you to monitor changes to any DOM element’s CSS styles, attributes or properties and fires a callback in response to any change in the monitored styles or attributes.

    Bootstrap – Responsive Off Canvas Menu

    Bootstrap - Responsive Off Canvas Menu

    Bootstrap already takes care of showing the .navbar-toggle when it is on the x-small window size.

    I have styled the .navbar-collapse.collapse to be positioned absolute by default. Only in the other media queries am I switching it to relative. Now when someone toggles the .navbar-toggle we are simply adding the .in class and the left css property is being adjusted

    jQuery Cover3D Plugin

    jQuery Cover3D Plugin

    Create a cover of dvd, xbox, game or book with jQuery, CSS3, easily with a few lines of code.

    Slick Modal – CSS3 powered Popups

    Slick Modal - CSS3 powered Popups

    Slick Modal Popup is a great way to display your message. You can insert any code or layout inside it, let it be banners, newsletter signups, contact forms, special offer display, images, galleries, iframe, video, maps and more effectively and with style.


    • 50+ avaliable options
    • 15 transitions effects
    • 5 transition speeds
    • 9 popup positions
    • Advanced options
    • Custom modal size
    • Set a cookie for visitors
    • Set a timed visibility delay

    Paver : jQuery Panorama/Image Viewer Plugin

    Paver : jQuery Panorama/Image Viewer Plugin

    Replicating the photo viewer/panner seen on the experimental Facebook Pages app, Paver is a jQuery-powered plugin that enables easy viewing of wide/panoramic images.

    Ply : Amazing layer/modal/dialog system

    Ply : Amazing layer/modal/dialog system

    Amazing layer/modal/dialog system.


    • Support browsers: Chrome 20+, FireFox 20+, Safari 6+, Opera 12+, IE8+
    • No jQuery (but then need Promise polyfill)
    • More than 90% test code coverage
    • Preloading content before displaying
    • Smart focus on form elements
    • ES6 syntax