Hello Form Builder with jQuery & PHP

    Hello Form Builder with jQuery & PHP

    Helloform Builder is a contact form generator that generates html contact form for your website. This contact form builder can create forms with file upload, file attachment, captcha system, smtp, feedback form and is also powered by Ajax and Jquery Library.

    jQuery Plugin for Duplicating Fields

    jQuery Plugin for Duplicating Fields

    jQuery plugin for duplicating fields with buttons (create/remove).Very simple script to dublicate and remove your elements in HTML. Can be used in form fieldsets.

    SingleJS : jQuery plugin to Create Single-page Websites

    SingleJS : jQuery plugin to Create Single-page Websites

    SingleJS  a jQuery plugin was made to help creating “slideable” single-page websites, with mobile integration.

    SmarterImages : jQuery Dynamic Image Replacement Plugin

    SmarterImages : jQuery Dynamic Image Replacement Plugin

    SmarterImages aims to be the most flexible dynamic image replacement jQuery plugin. Think CDN, but without the server.The plugin watches the browser viewport width on load() and resize(), and when the zone changes the plugin rebuilds a new src URL.


    • Works with any custom image processor URL or CloudImage.io
    • Define your own custom breakpoints: as many or few as required (“small / medium / large” wasn’t exactly flexible)
    • Works with inline images and background images
    • Option to upsize and downsize images, or upsize only to reduce server calls
    • Option to maintain image aspect ratio or resize-only
    • Define image URL protocols
    • Callback function for custom code image replacements after

    Discreet Twitter UI : Hover Button Effect

    Discreet Twitter UI : Hover Button Effect

    A minimal ui/ux concept for twitter buttons allowing hover/tap reveals under an icon.

    Cta.js : Animate your Action-to-effect path

    Cta.js : Animate your Action-to-effect path

    cta.js or “Call to Animation” is a light-weight performant library to animate any element (“action”) onto any other element (“effect”) on the page.

    VectorCam : jQuery Pictures to Vector files Converter plugin

    VectorCam : jQuery Pictures to Vector files Converter plugin

    A website for taking pictures and converting them into vector files – designed for use on smartphones. Quickly vectorize your sketches and designs!

    Overscroll : jQuery Touch scrolling

    Overscroll : jQuery Touch scrolling

    Overscroll is a jQuery Plugin and polyfill for mobile safari’s overflow-scrolling style. It is intended for use on desktop browsers, with the latest version of jQuery.

    Animated SVG Image Slider

    Animated SVG Image Slider

    A simple, responsive carousel with animated SVG paths used as transition effects.

    Forms Plus : CSS – Form Framework

    Forms Plus : CSS - Form Framework

    With Forms Plus you will have power combo of 8 designs, a lot of color themes, multiple styles for each design, tabs and steps in your form, titles and subtitles with multiple styles and positions. Forms Plus contains lots of form elements with different states (required, disabled, error) and animation effects. As a bonus Forms Plus has predefined set of form sizes from tiny to large. You can easily create and customize any form to fit your needs.