Jalendar2 : jQuery Range & Event Calendar

    Jalendar2 : jQuery Range & Event Calendar

    Jalendar2 is a premium calendar plugin pack that created with jquery javascript library.

    Jalendar offers you 4 different calendar options. You can list your events, you can link to days, you can use Jalendar Selector for date selecting and you can use Jalendar Range for range selecting on calendar.

    Facebook Like Infinite Scroll Using jQuery

    Facebook Like Infinite Scroll Using jQuery

    In this tutorial we are going to implement this Facebook Like Infinite Scroll using jQuery Ajax PHP and MySQL. Here we are going to make Ajax request to server if user wants to see more data.

    Scheduler.js : jQuery Schedule Time picker plugin

    Scheduler.js : jQuery Schedule Time picker plugin

    A jQuery plugin that let’s you display a schedule, and move time pickers within the schedule to find a time where everyone is free.

    JS Sequence Diagrams

    JS Sequence Diagrams

    Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram.

    Annyang : JavaScript SpeechRecognition library

    Annyang : JavaScript SpeechRecognition library

    A tiny javascript SpeechRecognition library that lets your users control your site with voice commands.Annyang has no dependencies, weighs just 3kb, and is free to use and modify under the MIT license.

    jQuery Center Loader Plugin

    jQuery Center Loader Plugin

    A jQuery plugin to place loader in the center horizontally and vertically of any container or page.

    Cake Chart : Interactive Multi Layer Pie Chart

    Cake Chart : Interactive Multi Layer Pie Chart

    Cake Chart is a javascript library to create interactive multi-layer pie charts.

    Hover Effects Builder – WordPress Plugin

    Hover Effects Builder - WordPress Plugin
    • Apply CSS3 hover effects to the images on your website without any CSS coding knowledge.
    • Assign any of predefined effects to featured images for standard and custom post formats.
    • Create your own hover effects with unlimited variations of styles and colors in our Editor.
    • Combine different effects to create unique animation hover effects.
    • Apply fully customizable shortcode to any image in WordPress Post/Page Editor.

    gridSplit : jQuery Grid System

    gridSplit : jQuery Grid System

    A jQuery grid system designed so that each cell can be “split” either horizontally or vertically. It is intended to be used as part of a larger system allowing the user free control of their widget environment.