Screen-roller : jQuery Full Screen SlideShow Plugin

    Screen-roller : jQuery Full Screen SlideShow Plugin

    jQuery-plugin for full-screen slide show that can be switched in the standard display mode site (for small screens).

    sortChildren : jQuery Sorting Plugin

    sortChildren : jQuery Sorting Plugin

    sortChildren is a jQuery plugin to sort child elements.

    Fullscreen Video Opening Animation with CSS3

    Fullscreen Video Opening Animation with CSS3

    In this in-depth tutorial we want to show you how to create a similar video opening effect to the one seen on If you click the “Watch the video” button on the Moments App page, you will see a new image appearing on the photo stack which contains a video. The animation is a slight rotation of the frame and a subtle scaling of the video, which already starts to play. The whole wrapper expands to full screen without any play controls; just the closing cross will be shown. Once the video ends, or, if the user clicks on the closing cross, the video will simply disappear.

    Lorem : jQuery plugin for Random Lorem Ipsum Snippets

    Lorem : jQuery plugin for Random Lorem Ipsum Snippets

    A jQuery plugin that generates random ‘lorem ipsum’ snippets on the fly. When designing/developing web interfaces you sometimes want to model content you don’t have (filler). Standardly, you copy snippets of the of an altered Latin text into your code.

    Actuate.js : jQuery wrapper for Animate.css

    Actuate.js : jQuery wrapper for Animate.css

    A jQuery wrapper for animate.css that makes it one line easy to start using css animations. The plugin includes a bunch of swaggy animations but can be used to initialise any animation you like.

    Styling & Customizing File Inputs

    Styling & Customizing File Inputs

    A tutorial on how to style and customize <input type=”file”> in a semantic, accessible way using the <label> element and some JavaScript.

    MapIt : Easy way to Embed Google Maps

    MapIt : Easy way to Embed Google Maps

    An easy way to embed google maps in your site.


    • Customizable google maps (dimensions, zoom level, terrain type, etc)
    • Multiple markers with text and custom icons.
    • Routes
    • Events to handle markers and routes (show, show_all, hide, hide_all)

    Center.js : jQuery plugin to make Element Center

    Center.js : jQuery plugin to make Element Center

    Center.js is jQuery library to make element center as compared to his outside element. It’s also work in responsive.

    Responsive Sidebar Navigation with CSS & jQuery

    Responsive Sidebar Navigation with CSS & jQuery

    If you’re working on an admin panel, chances are you’ll need to design and develop a vertical menu, with plenty of sub-categories. That’s why we decided to share today’s snippet! Our Sidebar navigation can make your life easier by providing a starting, simple template for your next project.

    An easy-to-integrate side, vertical navigation, ideal for dashboards and admin areas.

    Pinterest API Widget – Responsive jQuery Plugin

    Pinterest API Widget - Responsive jQuery Plugin

    Pinterest API Widget allows adding pins to your website very fast, using Pinterest’s API for retrieving user pins and pins from a user’s specific board.