deSVG : JS Library to Remove inline SVG bloat

    deSVG : JS Library to Remove inline SVG bloat

    deSVG is a js library to remove inline SVG bloat from your HTML document.
    deSVG takes the <img /> tags you supply. It then grabs, using AJAX, the raw SVG you’ve set in the src attribute and replaces that <img /> with the <svg /> it downloads.

    Zelect : jQuery Plugin for Custom Select Elements

    Zelect : jQuery Plugin for Custom Select Elements

    Zelect is a jQuery plugin to create custom <select> elements.


    • Lightweight
    • Zero base CSS, roll your own
    • Customizable
    • Handles asynchronous paged loading of large option lists (read: AJAX-ready-and-enabled)
    • Initializable in a detached or hidden DOM node
    • Programmatically selectable and changeable
    • Unit-tested

    jQuery Image Player

    jQuery Image Player

    jQuery Image Player is a jQuery plugin that is an image based player with a look and feel of video player. It also has slide effects.

    Horizon Swiper : Lightweight jQuery Swiper Plugin

    Horizon Swiper : Lightweight jQuery Swiper Plugin

    Horizon Swiper is a lightweight and free jQuery swiper plugin. It has many options and it works with your simple native browser scrolling.

    Dynamic HTML grid for PHP with jQuery

    Dynamic HTML grid for PHP with jQuery

    Dynamic HTML grid with jQuery/AngularJS frontend and PHP/NodeJS backend.The idea is to feed an array of data (or some other data source, like PDO or Doctrine query) to PHP/NodeJS class and to have instantly a grid with server-side sorting, filtering and pagination.

    Minigrid : Cascading Grid Layout

    Minigrid : Cascading Grid Layout

    Minigrid is a minimal 2kb zero dependency cascading grid layout. It’s responsive and can be animated.

    Ajax Navigation : jQuery Plugin

    Ajax Navigation : jQuery Plugin

    Ajax.Navigation allows you to enhance your website by loading and inserting new content into certain areas dynamically.

    jQuery Textbox Revision Tracker Plugin

    jQuery Textbox Revision Tracker Plugin

    A simple jQuery plugin to track text revisions to HTML inputs or text areas. Revisions can be saved, undone, redone, diffed and fetched. Revision data of text, time of revision and revision number are stored.

    Laroux.js : jQuery Substitute for Modern browsers

    Laroux.js : jQuery Substitute for Modern browsers

    Laroux.js is a jQuery substitute for modern browsers and mobile devices. But instead of offering some wrappers and own dynamics, it simply provides helper functions to achieve the same objectives as jQuery or Zepto.

    TagSphere : jQuery 3D tag cloud Sphere

    TagSphere : jQuery 3D tag cloud Sphere

    A customizable 3D sphere JavaScript Library tag cloud designed with jQuery.