Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript.
SOLID : CSS3 Responsive Tabs
Fed up with the old tab designs that you have?
Have your website a totally tab-licious makeover with this distinctive and eye catching tab designs.
- 8 Tab Designs
- Flexible Designs
- Fully Responsive including its contents
- Includes Typographical Elements (Headings, Text Callout, Blockquote)
- Includes Responsive Tables
- Includes Responsive Bar Chart
- Includes Responsive Column Chart
- Includes Responsive Video
mresize : Event based jQuery element Resize
The plugin does not use any kind of timer(s) to detect size changes. It uses the resize event on (invincible) iframe(s) which makes it perform much better than other solutions which use timers to poll element size. The script detects size changes made from JS, CSS, animations etc. and it works on any element able to contain other elements (e.g. div, p, li etc.). To use it on other inline elements (e.g. images) you need to add a wrapper and call the event on it.