Pt : Experimental Library on Point, form and Space

    Pt : Experimental Library on Point, form and Space

    Pt is an experimental library on point, form, and space. It is experimental and fun, and I hope you will use it to make crazy, strange, awesome things.

    Regal Parallax : jQuery Parallax Plugin

    Regal Parallax : jQuery Parallax Plugin

    Regal Parallax is a jQuery plugin for parallax effect.

    FilterBlend : CSS blend modes & Filters playground

    FilterBlend : CSS blend modes & Filters playground

    FilterBlend is a playground for the new CSS background-blend-mode and filter properties.
    Load your images and combine blending with filters to achieve some really unique effects!

    PuzzleCAPTCHA : jQuery CAPTCHA Plugin

    PuzzleCAPTCHA : jQuery CAPTCHA Plugin

    PuzzleCAPTCHA is a jQuery CAPTCHA plugin, requiring users to solve very simple puzzle.

    CSS-Gallery : Data-bound Photo Gallery in pure CSS

    CSS-Gallery : Data-bound Photo Gallery in pure CSS

    An interactive, data-bound photo gallery in pure CSS.CSS-Gallery demonstrates the true power of CSS and LESS. This is a fully interactive photo gallery, built entirely in CSS and LESS, with no Javascript anywhere.

    • Use the hamburger menu to filter photos by category
    • Use the view icons on the upper right to switch between thumbnail and list views
    • Click a photo to open a scaled lightbox showing a larger view
    • Click the arrows on the sides of the lightbox to switch photos directly.

    QuickQuiz : JavaScript Quiz Wizard

    QuickQuiz : JavaScript Quiz Wizard

    QuickQuiz is a simple and powerful test and/or survey creator which resulting product can be published in an HTML page.

    • Eight types of questions: single answer, multiple answer, sequence, pairing, long answer, short answer, scales and rating.
    • Different answer formats depending on the type of question: buttons, checkboxes, radio, select, sliders…
    • Several display options: Number of buttons per row, aside or background images, main color, etc.
    • Pages. We can create the entire quiz in either one or several pages, selecting the number of questions in each one.
    • Video and audio. We can create a page with video or audio with questions displayed at certain times of the playback.

    Roll.js : JavaScript Roll & Scroll Tracking

    Roll.js : JavaScript Roll & Scroll Tracking

    A little js library (~8kb min, 3kb gzip, no dependencies) to help you keep track of position, scrolling, and pagination.

    Dropit : jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin

    Dropit : jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin

    Dropit is a jQuery plugin for single level dropdown menu’s. Nothing fancy pants in here. Just simple and flexible dropdown’s in jQuery.

    Animating an SVG Menu Icon with Segment

    Animating an SVG Menu Icon with Segment

    A tutorial on how to implement an animated menu icon based on the Dribbble shot by Tamas Kojo using SVG and Segment, a JavaScript library for drawing and animating SVG paths.

    CircletPreloader jQuery Plugin

    CircletPreloader jQuery Plugin

    CircletPreloader is a small jQuery plugin that for as circular loading animations show depict the state of charge of various HTML DOM elements as a percentage.
    The aim was to get along with as few KB, while flexibility as regards the possibilities for the representation of the loading animations. The minifie JavaScript file is only 2, 74 KB hard and needs no other and / or external JavaScript libraries. One can CircletPreloader even without jQuery use and is therefore completely independent. Using various parameters can be the loading animations individualize a large scale.