Flapper : jQuery Split-Flap Text Animation

    Flapper : jQuery Split-Flap Text Animation

    Flapper is a jQuery plugin that replicates the split-flap (or “Solari”) displays that used to be common in train stations and airports, and your dad’s alarm clock in the 70s.

    These displays used a rotating stack of letters and numbers printed on hinged panels. As the stack rotated, a new symbol would fall into place. Flapper recreates this effect using CSS transformations.

    TimelinzJS : Lightweight Timeline Maker

    TimelinzJS : Lightweight Timeline Maker

    TimelinzJS is a lightweight and flexible javascript library for creating one or multiple timelines.


    • It’s lightweight! (JS: ~2KB gzipped, CSS: ~0.5KB gzipped)
    • No dependency (just Vanilla JS)
    • Fully customizable
    • Themable with css
    • With JSON data structure
    • Compatible with AMD and CommonJS module styles
    • Works with jQuery and Bootstrap plugins

    jQuery FetchRow : Plugin for Retreiving row from Database

    jQuery FetchRow : Plugin for Retreiving row from Database

    Do you need to fetch one row from your table and display its fields to any input elements in your page? You can do it easily using this simple jQuery plugin. I name it jQuery FetchRow.

    Simple lightbox effect with CSS

    Simple lightbox effect with CSS

    Simple lightbox effect made only with css.

    Proton : HTML5 Particle Engine

    Proton : HTML5 Particle Engine

    Proton is an easily customizable html5 particle engine including five different types of renderers.

    • Five kinds of renderers
      • canvas
      • dom
      • webgl
      • easeljs
      • pixel
    • Integratable into any game engine
    • Veriety of behaviors
    • Three kinds of emitters which can simulate many different physical effects

    Css.js : CSS parser in JavaScript

    Css.js : CSS parser in JavaScript

    A lightweight, battle tested, fast, css parser in JavaScript.

    Vertical Layout with Navigation

    Vertical Layout with Navigation

    Vertically scrolling sections of content with a slick mobile hamburger navigation.

    FinderJS : Browse Hierarchical Data in Columns

    FinderJS : Browse Hierarchical Data in Columns

    FinderJS is a small UI component that allows you to browse tree-like data in columns, similar to the file manager in OS X.

    • Data source: Array or Function (useful for asynchronous operations, e.g. calling an API).
    • Stlying: Use any CSS/framework of choice, or feel free to use the example CSS (which leverages Flexbox). You can also define how items are rendered and change default classnames.
    • Keyboard navigation: use arrows keys to navigate.
    • Events: several events are emitted to allow for custom behavior.
    • Module formats: Provided as an npm module (CommonJS), a jQuery plugin, and exported as the global finder.

    Material Design Hierarchical Display

    Material Design Hierarchical Display

    The jQuery plugin for Material Design hierarchical display animation effect.