Material Photo Gallery

    Material Photo Gallery

    A vanilla javascript photo gallery plugin inspired by Google Photos.

    jQuery Collapsible Fieldset

    jQuery Collapsible Fieldset

    JQuery Plugin for creating a cool collapsible fieldset.This plugin can collapsed or hide fieldset and it’s content by clicking it’s legend. You can also decide the initial state for your fieldset wheter it’s expanded or collapsed. The separated CSS file will also useful if you need to modify the fieldset appearance.

    Columns : jQuery plugin converts JSON Data into HTML Tables

    Columns : jQuery plugin converts JSON Data into HTML Tables

    A jQuery plugin that converts JSON data into searchable, sortable, HTML tables.Columns is an easy way of creating JSON data into HTML tables that are sortable, searchable, and paginating. All you need is to provide the data, and Columns will do the rest.

    Presentation Slideshow with CSS & jQuery

    Presentation Slideshow with CSS & jQuery

    A simple presentation template in CSS and jQuery.The easiest way is to use keyboard arrow keys (for devices that have them). However we had to take into account that all other interactions (click, scroll…) had to work as well when building something for the web.

    Newspaper Flipbook : jQuery Plugin

    Newspaper Flipbook : jQuery Plugin

    Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js.
    PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10+. Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9.

    Material Design Color Palette : LESS/CSS Toolkit

    Material Design Color Palette : LESS/CSS Toolkit

    Material Design Color Palette is a LESS/CSS toolkit for easily usage material colors by Google in websites.This color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be used for illustration or to develop your brand colors. They’ve been designed to work harmoniously with each other.

    Split.js : Creating adjustable Split Views or Panes

    Split.js : Creating adjustable Split Views or Panes

    Split.js is a lightweight, unopinionated utility for creating adjustable split views or panes.

    No dependencies or markup required, just two or more elements with a common parent. Views can be split horizontally or vertically, with draggable gutters inserted between every two elements.

    Hybicon.js : Hybrid icons with SVG & JavaScript

    Hybicon.js : Hybrid icons with SVG & JavaScript

    JavaScript library for synergistic SVG icons. It works with HTML5 data attributes. There is a primary and a secondary icon and they can be animated with hover and click.

    Animated Fixed Menu with CSS3 & jQuery

    Animated Fixed Menu with CSS3 & jQuery

    Fixed menus are a definitive a great ux resource for our website. They look good, and they are also super useful for visitors. Today, I’m showing you how you can create a very simple fixed menu with CSS3 transition

    RPG JS : RPG 2D browser with HTML5 Canvas

    RPG JS : RPG 2D browser with HTML5 Canvas

    Create your RPG 2D browser using the framework called RPG JS based on CanvasEngine.

    • RPG JS is based primarily on data stored in JSON files.
    • The project contains a very specific folder structure.
    • The engine used is CanvasEngine (last version) for display, collisions, sound, but especially for creating scenes.