Interactive Bar Graph with CSS & jQuery

    Interactive Bar Graph with CSS & jQuery

    An interactive bar graph packed with animations and information. Built with CSS and jQuery.

    Dynamic CSS3 max height plugin for jQuery

    Dynamic CSS3 max height plugin for jQuery

    This is a jQuery plugin to dynamically check a layer height and compare it to a custom height value. If layer height is higher than that custom value (data-maxheight), a “show more” button and a bottom gradient will appear.

    Colz : Javascript library to Convert Colors

    Colz : Javascript library to Convert Colors

    Colz. Javascript library to convert colors between RGB / Hex / HSL / HSV / HSB color spaces. It provides several toString helpers to ease its use in CSS / HTML5 Canvas projects.

    Gs Google Maps Directions

    Gs Google Maps Directions

    This is a light plugin that allows you to define maps, and gives you the option to display the directions between two points using Geolocation or a specific point. Also it has the options for searching a new route.

    jQuery SortScroll : Sorting without Moving

    jQuery SortScroll : Sorting without Moving

    A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to reorder elements on a page by clicking a “up” or “down” button. The element being reordered stays still while the other elements scroll behind it. Great for big elements and on mobile where drag & drop is really not convenient.

    Air Datepicker : Cool jQuery Datepicker

    Air Datepicker : Cool jQuery Datepicker

    Lightweight customizable cross-browser jQuery datepicker, built with es5 and css-flexbox. Works in all modern browsers.

    Animated Map Path for Interactive Storytelling

    Animated Map Path for Interactive Storytelling

    Today we’d like to share an experimental demo with you. This demo is an interactive map that will animate a map path while scrolling the page. The main idea is to connect the story being told with the path itself. The journey can also contain images that will indicate where they have been taken with a semi-transparent cone. It will appear as soon as the image is in the visible viewport.

    jQuery Thumbnail Scroller

    jQuery Thumbnail Scroller

    An image scroller plugin that can be used as standalone or along side lightboxes, gallery scripts etc.

    • Vertical and/or horizontal scrolling
    • Scrolling by cursor movement, buttons and/or touch
    • Customization via CSS
    • RTL direction support
    • Option parameters for full control of scroller functionality
    • Methods for triggering actions like scroll-to, update, destroy etc.
    • User-defined callbacks

    Demo1 Demo 2

    jR3DCarousel : jQuery 3D Responsive Carousel

    jR3DCarousel : jQuery 3D Responsive Carousel

    jR3DCarousel is a jQuery plugin for responsive 3D carousel with modern effects and multiple options.


    • Modern effects
    • Responsive
    • Fullscreen Carousel
    • Tiny plugin (gzipped ~ 1.68KB, uncompressed ~ 4.95KB)
    • Infinite scroll
    • Multiple slideLayouts to maintain aspect ratio of images
    • Minimal configuration, easy to install
    • Useful public API for extending the functionalities like custom nav buttons.

    Material Design Slider Animation with CSS3

    Material Design Slider Animation with CSS3

    A Material Design inspired slider with effective communicating animations.Communication design is a mixed discipline between design and information-development which is concerned with how media intermission such as printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people.