Material Design Shape Slider with jQuery & SVG

    Material Design Shape Slider with jQuery & SVG

    Get your geometry on with this Material Design inspired shape slider. Developed with SVG shapes and CSS transforms.We’re using SVG’s to draw each shape you see on the left side of the screen. When a shape is clicked we transform the shape with CSS and simultaneously transform the content container to show the correct content for the shape that was clicked.

    Colorify.js : Tiny JavaScript Color Extractor

    Colorify.js : Tiny JavaScript Color Extractor

    Colorify is a script written in Javascript, that allows you to extract colors from images, and manipulates them. From a simple plain color, based on the dominant color, to a beautiful gradient based on the image edges colors, colorify.js will spice up your designs!

    • Extract the dominant color from an image
    • Generate gradients based on the images colors
    • Isolate colors and manipulates them everywhere in the page
    • Create a Lazy-revealer system for your images
    • Load image dynamically

    Booking.js : jQuery embeddable Booking Widget

    Booking.js : jQuery embeddable Booking Widget

    Booking.js is an easy-to-use embedabble calendar booking widget. It’s easy to customize, works with Google Calendar, and it can be integrated seamlessly into your branding.

    Reading Progress Indicator in SVG, CSS & jQuery

    Reading Progress Indicator in SVG, CSS & jQuery

    A widget containing a list of suggested articles, with a reading progress indicator powered by SVG, CSS and jQuery.

    PdfMake : PDF printing in pure JavaScript

    PdfMake : PDF printing in pure JavaScript

    Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript.

    • line-wrapping,
    • text-alignments (left, right, centered, justified),
    • numbered and bulleted lists,
    • tables and columns
      • auto/fixed/star-sized widths,
      • col-spans and row-spans,
      • headers automatically repeated in case of a page-break,
    • images and vector graphics,

    jQuery lineLine : Add Line number to Textarea

    jQuery lineLine : Add Line number to Textarea

    jQuery lineLine is a lightweight jQuery plugin for add linenumber to textarea or code or nay other tag.

    Scrollator : jQuery Scroll Bar Plugin

    Scrollator : jQuery Scroll Bar Plugin

    Scrollator is a jQuery-based replacement for the browsers scroll bar, which doesn’t use any space. Has very good performance.

    RubyTabs : jQuery Tabs & Slider

    RubyTabs : jQuery Tabs & Slider

    RubyTabs is a great plug-in Tabs + Slider when integrated touch gestrue swipe, move between slides really easy on desktop and mobile. No need to switch troublesome dropdown menu as the other plugin on the mobile. Same time create thousands of beautiful effects. Also, RubyTabs built-in responsive features, vertical tabs, flat and clean theme, powerfull API, 75+ templates html, 14+ positions, 100+ options, more and more.

    Touche.js : Touch events on Touchscreen

    Touche.js : Touch events on Touchscreen

    Effortlessly re-map click events to touch events on touchscreen UIs.

    • Removes the 300ms delay (after the user lifts their finger), applied by all touchscreens devices and immediately invokes your click handlers.
    • Takes your click events applied with jQuery and silently re-maps them to the “touchend” event for devices that support touch.

    Viewer : jQuery Image Viewing Plugin

    Viewer : jQuery Image Viewing Plugin

    Viewer is a simple jQuery image viewing plugin.

    • Touch Support
    • Zoom
    • Rotation
    • Scale (flip)
    • Keyboard support
    • Cross-browser support