peekABar : jQuery Notification Bar Plugin

    peekABar : jQuery Notification Bar Plugin

    A jQuery plugin for a notification bar with a lot of customization options.

    ColorDivideJS : Color Divide Char Plugin

    ColorDivideJS : Color Divide Char Plugin

    ColorDivideJS js a javascript library that divide every letter of the word and give different color to it.

    progresspieSVG : jQuery SVG Pie Progress Diagram

    progresspieSVG : jQuery SVG Pie Progress Diagram

    jQuery plug-in for dynamically rendering a pie or circle diagram comparable to a progress bar, depicting a progress, countdown, percent value or similar.

    TimelineMe : jQuery flexible Timeline Plugin

    TimelineMe : jQuery flexible Timeline Plugin

    The aim of this plugin is to easily build a timeline display for your data.

    flyerArchive : jQuery Fly Animation Plugin

    flyerArchive : jQuery Fly Animation Plugin

    A jQuery plugin used for archive an element to another with fly animation.

    wsCalendar : jQuery Datepicker Plugin

    wsCalendar : jQuery Datepicker Plugin

    The wsCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides datepicking features. It is easy to use and includes bunch of useful functions.

    React Text Gradient Effect

    React Text Gradient Effect

    A React component that creates text gradients with CSS, including a SVG fallback.

    • Uses CSS gradients when possible (Chrome, Safari, iOS, android).
    • Uses SVG as fallback on Firefox.
    • The text remains as fluid text (never replaced with svg).
    • Font size, family, weight, etc… controlled by CSS as normal.

    jQuery Toggle Candlestick : Switch Button

    jQuery Toggle Candlestick : Switch Button

    This is a switch jquery plugin. This plugin allows to choose between three options. The toggle button switch with animation. You can use it with swipe option.

    Valida : jQuery Form Validation Plugin

    Valida : jQuery Form Validation Plugin

    Valida is a jQuery plugin which provides an easy, fast and lightweight way to make form validations on client-side. It’s source-code (minified) has about 12Kb.

    jQuery Animated Search Filter

    jQuery Animated Search Filter

    Animated search filter jQuery plugin for the list items.