Megamenu.js : jQuery Responsive MegaMenu

    Megamenu.js : jQuery Responsive MegaMenu

    Last responsive megamenu you’ll ever need.


    • Cross-browser copatibility
    • No classes! (for dropdowns or lists)
    • Smart – knows when to show megamenu, and when to show a normal dropdown
    • 100% responsive, works on all devices
    • Seamless wordpress integration
    • Super fast
    • Uses jquery animations (IE8 copatible)
    • Easy to use
    • Written in LESS (easy to abuse)

    rangeSlider : JavaScript polyfill for HTML5 Range Slider Element

    rangeSlider : JavaScript polyfill for HTML5 Range Slider Element

    Simple, small and fast vanilla JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 `<input type=”range”>` slider element.

    • Touchscreen friendly
    • Recalculates onresize so suitable for use within responsive designs
    • Small and fast
    • Supports all major browsers
    • Buffer progressbar (for downloading progress etc.)

    jQuery jSon Slider, Carousel & Timeline Plugin

    jQuery jSon Slider, Carousel & Timeline Plugin

    The jSon Slider is a multi purpose jQuery plugin. We can crate slider, carousel & timeline.It is a responsive and fast-loading slider with built-in search functionality and other powerful features.


    • Very fast-loading slider
    • CSS3 & jQuery animation
    • Carousel (Option for setting different numbers of slides for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile)
    • Testimonial, Tab & Timeline
    • Search within slides
    • YouTube and HTML5 videos in slides
    • Full screen
    • Thumbnails, bullets or HTML
    • Multiple sliders allowed on one page
    • Slides can be selected using a GET method in URl

    Crotator : jQuery Slider or Content Rotator

    Crotator : jQuery Slider or Content Rotator

    A jQuery plugin for creating a slider or content rotator. It converts the children inside any selected element into a Slider. One can define array of timeline according to which the slider will be synced. CSS animations can be used with this plugin to enhance the contents visually.

    Elastic Circle Slideshow with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Elastic Circle Slideshow with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share a very simple content slideshow with you. The idea is to have circular slides that have a playful bouncy effect when animating to the next or previous item. It’s inspired by a really nice Dribbble shot, Mobile Commerce Interface, by Bilal Mechairia.

    js-htmlencode : HTML Encode & Decode function for JavaScript

    js-htmlencode : HTML Encode & Decode function for JavaScript

    js-htmlencode is a simple HTML encode / decode function for JavaScript.

    DoSlide : Fullpage Section Scroll Library

    DoSlide : Fullpage Section Scroll Library

    DoSlide is a javascrit library for fullpage section scroll or vertical slider. DoSlide is a light, no dependency and low invasive JS plugin, providing a pattern which switch entire one section at a time. DoSlide can be flexibly configured and has an inner tool library like jQuery, you can implement specific requirements quickly by taking advantage of it.

    VivaGraphJS : Graph drawing library for JavaScript

    VivaGraphJS : Graph drawing library for JavaScript

    VivaGraphJS is the fastest graph drawing javascript library (proof). It is designed to be extensible and to support different rendering engines and layout algorithms.

    jQuery Editable Select

    jQuery Editable Select

    jQuery Editable Select is a jQuery plugin that transforms a select into an input field where single elements are shown in real-time according to the entered characters. It scales down to a real select list when javascript is not available.

    Cross browser audio/video/screen Recording : MediaStreamRecorder.js

    Cross browser audio/video/screen Recording : MediaStreamRecorder.js

    Cross browser audio/video/screen recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge. It even works on Android browsers. It follows latest MediaRecorder API sandards and provides similar APIs.