Philter : A JS plugin for CSS Filters

    Philter : A JS plugin for CSS Filters

    Philter is an open source JavaScript plugin that allows you to control CSS filters through HTML attributes counting on hover event triggered effects.

    Bootstrap HTML Builder with PHP & jQuery

    Bootstrap HTML Builder with PHP & jQuery

    Bootstrap HTML Builder is a tool that help to create the Bootstrap html file by drag and drop, it helps create html files faster that will save you tons of time working. Build any HTML file you can imagine.

    • Unlimited html projects and files
    • Create, edit, download, delete html project
    • Design html file with drag and drop component elements
    • Support test environment for desktop, tablet, mobile
    • Support bootstrap theme
    • 17 bootstrap themes is included

    JavaScript Sticky Elements to Your Mouse

    JavaScript Sticky Elements to Your Mouse

    Sticky Elements allows you to stickiness add to your website elements; which, in this case, means that when you hover over them, they get stuck to your cursor and then spring back after set limits.

    Shifting Material Button Modal with CSS3 & jQuery

    Shifting Material Button Modal with CSS3 & jQuery

    Two call-to-action buttons that give context to your modals in a Material Design fashion.

    YouTube PopUp jQuery Plugin

    YouTube PopUp jQuery Plugin

    jQuery plugin to display YouTube video or Vimeo video in PopUp, responsive & retina, Compatible with WordPress, Autoplay support, easy to use.

    Products Comparison Table with CSS & jQuery

    Products Comparison Table with CSS & jQuery

    A responsive table to compare and filter through multiple products with css and jquery.

    Hamburgers : Tasty CSS Animated Hamburgers

    Hamburgers : Tasty CSS Animated Hamburgers

    Hamburgers is a collection of tasty CSS-animated hamburger icons. Also included is the source as a Sass library. It’s modular and customizable, so cook up your own hamburger.

    xGallerify : A jQuery Responsive & Smart Gallery

    xGallerify : A jQuery Responsive & Smart Gallery

    A lightweight, responsive, smart gallery based on jQuery.

    • Completly responsive
    • Easy to use and customizable
    • Only 2.5kb file size

    Material Datetime Picker

    Material Datetime Picker

    A take on the material design date picker modal, built for the web.Works well with Materialize, or standalone.

    SuperPlaceholder.js : Super charge your Input Placeholders

    SuperPlaceholder.js : Super charge your Input Placeholders

    Superplaceholder.js is a library to bring your input placeholders to life by cycling multiple instructions in a single input placeholder.