Price Range slider is a slider having price on it means instead of entering the price user can also slide the meter to the appropriate price range and submit the price.Price Range Slider is very common in modern websites they are mainly used in eCommerce websites to give easy user experience.In this tutorial we will create a Price Range Slider Using jQuery,CSS and PHP.
Vue Select : JS Multiselect Library
Rather than bringing in jQuery just to use Select2 or Chosen, this Vue.js component provides similar functionality without the extra overhead of jQuery, while providing the same awesome data-binding features you expect from Vue. Vue-select has no JavaScript dependencies other than Vue.
easyTable : Simple jQuery Table Plugin
This small plugin for tables allow you to sort,search by all columns or just a specific,allow to select using shift and ctrl keys and use scroll with fixed header, like the name, it’s easy to use and customize.
- Sort asc – desc
- Filter by Numbers and Text
- Select all/clear
- Select using shift arrow up or arrow down
- Select using crtl + click
- Fixed header with scroll
- Easy disable and customize methods
- Get the values of selected columns
Tone.js : JavaScript Web Audio framework
Tone.js is a Web Audio framework for creating interactive music in the browser. The architecture of Tone.js aims to be familiar to both musicians and audio programmers looking to create web-based audio applications. On the high-level, Tone offers common DAW (digital audio workstation) features like a global transport for scheduling and timing events and prebuilt synths and effects.
Droply.js : PHP minimalist responsive File Uploader
Droply is a responsive jQuery based plugin, that simplifies the developers task to setup a muti/single file uploader component. It is hightly configurable and easy to install. This plugin comes with a configurable server side PHP script that should be clear enough for developers to customize.It is important to know that there is a list of permitted file(MIME) types, which can be configured concurrently on both server/client side to filter out any type of harmful or undesired file types.