massPaging : jQuery Text Pagination Plugin

    massPaging : jQuery Text Pagination Plugin

    massPaging – it jQuery plugin that allows you to split a large content site to the pages and manage these pages using a variety of controls.


    • You can use touch and mouse swipe navigation
    • You can use different types of the pages change
    • State of active page is saved in the History API
    • You can use different sets of controls: numbers, arrows, point, progress bar, and a field for entering the desired page
    • You can use one of the ready-made themes

    Tagger Widget : jQuery Auto-Suggesting Select Plugin

    Tagger Widget : jQuery Auto-Suggesting Select Plugin

    jQuery plugin to turn a HTML select into an auto-suggesting, tagging widget. It was written from the ground up and has support for hierachical data, searching for data that isn’t displayed, displaying arbitrary HTML in the suggestion list, running the original onChange actions, displaying tags for items previously selected but no longer in the list, keyboard accessibility and many other features.

    jQuery Offset Scroller

    jQuery Offset Scroller

    A jQuery plugin to enable smooth scrolling to a page anchor/id with a configurable offset.

    PickList : jQuery MultiList Picker

    PickList : jQuery MultiList Picker

    A simple PickList using jQuery and Bootstrap.Picklist is a multiselect box plugin.

    CSS Mobile Header Animations

    CSS Mobile Header Animations

    I have created this resource to highlight some navigation animations. By explaining the first example I hope you will understand the rest animations. The main thing that will differ is the navigation animation.

    Simple Add To Cart System Using jQuery,Ajax & PHP

    Simple Add To Cart System Using jQuery,Ajax & PHP

    In this tutorial we will create a simple but very Practical and helpful Cart System that you can include in your ecommerce website.Cart System is very important in online shopping websites anything the user wants or wish he can click on a simple button and automatically that item is included in your cart.Cart is like a collection of items that user wants to buy.It has the total record of items the user wants before the final payment.

    formBuilder : jQuery Drag Drop Form Builder

    formBuilder : jQuery Drag Drop Form Builder

    A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form creation.To start building forms with this plugin call formBuilder() on the textarea you would like to make your editor. FormBuilder takes a number of options and is translatable.

    Flik : jQuery Timeline Plugin with CSS3

    Flik : jQuery Timeline Plugin with CSS3

    This is very simple and modern CSS3 and jQuery. 8 style with 5 different effect


    • 8 Style
    • 5 different effect
    • Pure CSS3
    • Works with all CSS3 Browsers
    • Easy to implement, customize and style

    jQuery Hover3d : 3d Hover Effect

    jQuery Hover3d : 3d Hover Effect

    jQuery Hover3d is a simple hover script for creating 3d hover effect.The idea is transforming the element into 3d space using CSS3 transform, playing with translateZ for spacing the elements, and detecting mouse movement to change the transform value

    Interactive Animated SVG Drum Kit

    Interactive Animated SVG Drum Kit

    Today we’re going to create an animated SVG drum kit that can be played by clicking, tapping or using your keyboard, and that can also be programmed to play by itself! We’ll be making use of GreenSock’s TweenMax animation library, jQuery and the <audio> element.