Hover on Touch : Js Plugin

    Hover on Touch : Js Plugin

    Javascript plugin for an alternative hover function on mobile devices. It shows secondary information on Taphold & goes to a link on Tap.


    • Put anything inside the info div
    • gifs restart on display
    • The script will not interfere with any hover animations on desktop browsers (non touch devices) .

    Resize And Crop Image Using PHP And jQuery

    Resize And Crop Image Using PHP And jQuery

    Resize and Crop Images is very useful and important technique to save space and bandwidth and it also decrease page execution time and load your webpage much faster.Crop the image when you want to a particluar part of an image to display like only your face and sunset behind you etc.So both are very useful and important technique you can do with your images.In this tutorial we will Resize and Crop an Image Using PHP and jQuery.

    Waterfall.js : JS Library for Pinterest Grid

    Waterfall.js : JS Library for Pinterest Grid

    Currently the best option today to do this job is Masonry, but it’s very heavy and have dependency of jQuery. Please understand: this isn’t a problem is most cases, but in cases when perfomance and page weight matters, the best case is try other options: maybe pure CSS? It’s possible?

    ToxicBox : jQuery LightBox Plugin

    ToxicBox : jQuery LightBox Plugin

    This is a jQuery plug-in. It displays pictures, containers, and notifications in a popup window. They will have unified style which can be adjusted to the individual site design. Plug-in is under development, so some bugs may still be present. It is similar to other “lightbox jquery” plug-ins, but it is written from scratch.


    • Cross browser compatibility
    • Mobile-Friendly
    • Display of related images
    • Advanced loading of consecutive images
    • Display of single images
    • Display of containers (div, section…)
    • Display of notifications
    • Correct response to zoom
    • Easy category conversion

    EndlessRiver : jQuery Content Scroller

    EndlessRiver : jQuery Content Scroller

    Endless river is a jQuery plugin, that animates content and make it scroll endlessly!

    The usefull feature is that you don’t have to set widths to elements, because speed is set in pixel/second!!

    Inspirational Input Focus & Placeholder Effects with CSS3

    Inspirational Input Focus & Placeholder Effects

    In this tutorial, you see input border, background, placeholder effects on focus. And also see placeholder move as a label on input focus.

    Origami.js : Create things with HTML5 Canvas

    Origami.js : Create things with HTML5 Canvas

    Origami.js was originally designed as a teaching tool for geometry, JavaScript, and the web in schools. It’s evolved into a powerful library for creating things with HTML5 canvas.

    centerChild : jQuery plugin for Centering Elements

    centerChild : jQuery plugin for Centering Elements

    Simple jQuery plugin for centering element’s children blocks vertically and horizontally.

    Twitter Fetcher : jQuery Interface for Twitter

    Twitter Fetcher : jQuery Interface for Twitter

    TwitsFetcher is a jQuery plugin, that lets you easily retrieve your posts from Twitter!.

    Turntable.js : jQuery Image Rotate Slider

    Turntable.js : jQuery Image Rotate Slider

    Turntable.js is a responsive JQuery slider that will let you rotate through a list of images as your mouse (or finger) sweeps across a container. Think of it like a flipbook made with Javascript, instead of paper. All you need is a set of images, and jQuery.