jQuery Autogrow Textarea Plugin

    jQuery Autogrow Textarea Plugin

    Automatically adjust textarea height based on user input.

    Features :

    • Grows vertically, horizontally or both
    • Correctly handles 2 or more spaces
    • Copies more css and font styles to shadow div
    • Correctly handles long words on one line
    • Flickering can be disabled on Enter
    • Doesn’t add more than one handler to textarea

    jQuery Impromptu : Prompt Box Plugin

    jQuery Impromptu : Prompt Box Plugin

    jQuery Impromptu is an extension to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input. More or less this is a great replacement for an alert, prompt, and confirm. Not only does it replace these but it also allows for creating forms within these controls. This is not intended to be a modal replacement, just a quick tool to prompt user input in a fashionable way.

    Fallwall.js : jQuery Fall Styles like Pinterest

    Fallwall.js : jQuery Fall Styles like Pinterest

    Fallwall.js is a jQuery plugin to make Fall Styles like Pinterest.

    jQuery Soundcloud Player

    jQuery Soundcloud Player

    jQuery Soundcloud Player. Stream track playlist by title, tags or username.

    AgeCheck.js : jQuery plugin for Checking User Age

    AgeCheck.js : jQuery plugin for Checking User Age

    AgeCheck is a simple jQuery plugin that verifies if a user is old enough to enter your site. You can easily customize the plugin with options and it uses sessionStorage to keep from popping up again. The modal box is responsive and is uses an external CSS for easy styling.

    Nest : Fly-Out Sliding Panels for WordPress

    Nest : Fly-Out Sliding Panels for WordPress

    Nest is a wordpress plugin that adds animated fly-out panels to any website.Whether it’s text, video, images, forms, shortcodes or any other type of content, Nest allows you to display it in massively customizable fly-out panels.

    • Create fly-out sliding panels to display any content
    • Side-wide, per-post and/or per-page fly-out slides
    • The fly-out panels are massively and easily customizable
    • Each fly-out panel can be customized independently for vastly different results
    • Smooth and stutter-free animations even on older devices

    jQuery Spinning 3d Earth Plugin

    jQuery Spinning 3d Earth Plugin

    jQuery plugin that allows you to draw a beautiful 3d spinning earth on canvas. Based on the amazing sphere.js plugin of Sam Hasler, jquery.earth3d.js is an open source jquery ui plugin which will allow you to emulate a 3d earth (or any planet actually) on canvas.

    ddTour : jQuery Site Tour Plugin

    ddTour : jQuery Site Tour Plugin

    A simple uncomplicated lightweight site tour jQuery solution.

    • Unlike other tour solutions you keep your code in one place. The tooltip pops up right where you have a description of it.
    • Traverse to any element by designated class selector
    • This is a simple grunt stupid solution as they say in the Marine Corps.

    jQuery Date Time Picker : Intimidatetime

    jQuery Date Time Picker : Intimidatetime

    A wicked good date time picker for jQuery and Zepto.Intimidatetime is still young, but already comes with many features like timezones, i18n, unix timestamps, date time ranges, and more!

    Flexy : jQuery Responsive Iframe Plugin

    Flexy : jQuery Responsive Iframe Plugin

    Flexy is a very light jQuery plugin for responsive iframe,object,embed,video.