GeoPattern : Generate beautiful SVG patterns

    GeoPattern : Generate beautiful SVG patterns

    This is a JavaScript port of jasonlong/geo_pattern  and is derived from the background generator originally used for GitHub Guides.

    Canvas Dots with jQuery & HTML5

    Canvas Dots with jQuery & HTML5

    Random moves of particles, count of dots and connection distance selected by smart algorithm depend from count of dots and square of block. Working on most browser (include mobile devices) without braking. Particles leave from mouse cursor.

    RangeTouch : Range Slider for Touch Devices

    RangeTouch : Range Slider for Touch Devices

    A super tiny library to make <input type="range"> sliders work better on touch devices.

    • No setup required, just include the script
    • Less than 1KB minified and gzipped
    • No dependencies (written in “vanilla” JavaScript)

    getTable : jQuery Plugin for easy getting Table Cells

    getTable : jQuery Plugin for easy getting Table Cells

    The simple jQuery Plugin for easy getting the table cells that are positioned on the horizontal line, the vertical line or both lines that pass through the target cell.

    jQuery Timepicker Addon to jQueryUI Datepicker

    jQuery Timepicker Addon to jQueryUI Datepicker

    The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are still available through the timepicker addon.

    Plyr : Simple HTML5 Media Player

    Plyr : Simple HTML5 Media Player

    A simple, accessible and customizable HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player.

    • Accessible – full support for VTT captions and screen readers
    • Lightweight – under 10KB minified and gzipped
    • Customisable – make the player look how you want with the markup you want
    • Semantic – uses the right elements. <input type="range"> for volume and <progress> for progress and well, <button>s for buttons. There’s no <span> or <a href="#"> button hacks
    • Responsive – as you’d expect these days
    • HTML Video & Audio – support for both formats
    • Embedded Video – support for YouTube and Vimeo video playback
    • API – toggle playback, volume, seeking, and more

    Finance.js : Common Finance and Currency Javascript Methods

    Finance.js : Common Finance and Currency Javascript Methods

    This library provides basic finance methods to compute finance amortization schedules, payment amounts, number and currency formatting. Methods are provided to obtain the payment, interest rate, amount financed, or months financed given 3 of any of the 4.

    jQuery FlowChart Plugin

    jQuery FlowChart Plugin

    jQuery flowchart.js is an open source jquery ui plugin that allows you to draw and edit a flow chart.

    • Draw boxes (called operators) and connections between them.
    • Methods are provided so that the end-user can edit the flow chart by adding / moving / removing operators, creating / removing connections between them.
    • The developper can save / load the flowchart.
    • Operators and links can be customized using CSS and the plugin parameters.
    • Some methods allow you to add advanced functionalities, such as a panzoom view or adding operators using drag and drop.

    Formdoid : Advance PHP Database Form Builder

    Formdoid : Advance PHP Database Form Builder

    Formdoid is advance PHP database form builder that generates the form directly from the database tables by writing 2-3 lines of codes only. It automatically creates form fields on the basis of the field type and field name as defined in the database table. You don’t need to write data submission code (insert/update/export) also, script handles that part also. By default, script also put validations as per the field type and manages the data submission using ajax.

    Jodit Editor : WYSIWYG and FileBrowser

    Jodit Editor : WYSIWYG and FileBrowser

    Editor and FileBrowser – Jodit. Pure javascript. No libraries! Lightweight:~32kB gzipped.