Biscuit.js : Customizable cookie based jQuery Notification Plugin

    Biscuit.js : Customizable cookie based jQuery Notification Plugin

    A customizable cookie based jQuery notification plugin with nifty animations and persistence.


    • Cookie based persistence
    • Desktop notifications option
    • Nifty animations

    Responsive Bootstrap Modal And Popup with jQuery

    Responsive Bootstrap Modal And Popup with jQuery

    A set of responsive Bootstrap Modals and Popups those contain bootstrap carousel, images gallery, login, signup and contact us forms, subscribe and search bars, different types videos in modal etc with new features. It is made with bootstrap.

    • 100% Responsive And Mobiles friendly
    • 20 Ready modal style
    • 5 Colors Schemes
    • 3 Background Colors Schemes
    • Built With Bootstrap 3.x
    • 26 Animation Effects
    • Different Types of Sliders in the Modals
    • Touch swipe Enabled In Sliders

    Dropcap.js : CSS Drop Caps made easy with JS Library

    Dropcap.js : CSS Drop Caps made easy with JS Library

    Dropcap.js makes beautiful drop caps easy for the web.

    jQuery Character and Word counter plugin

    jQuery Character and Word counter plugin

    This jQuery Word and character counter plug-in allows you to count characters or words, up or down. You can set a minimum or maximum goal for the counter to reach.

    • Create a custom message for your counter’s message
    • Force character/word limit on user to prevent typing
    • Works against copy/paster’s!

    Image Maps jQuery Plugin

    Image Maps jQuery Plugin

    jQuery plugin which can be partially linked to the image.

    DDSort : jQuery Drag and Drop Sorting

    DDSort : jQuery Drag and Drop Sorting

    A simple, lightweight drag and drop sorting jQuery plugin.

    DOMtastic : JavaScript DOM and Event Library

    DOMtastic : JavaScript DOM and Event Library

    Small, fast, and modular DOM and event library for modern browsers.

    • Small, fast, and modular DOM & Event library for modern browsers.
    • Same familiar API as jQuery (but without the extra “weight” of modules like $.ajax, $.animate, and $.Deferred).
    • Weighs in at only 1KB to 12KB (minified), depending on included modules. Full bundle is about 4KB gzipped.
    • Works great stand-alone or paired up with e.g. Backbone or Angular.
    • The source is written in ES6 format.
    • Rollup and babel are used to create a UMD bundle (supporting AMD, CommonJS, and fallback to browser global).

    Cloudinary jQuery Plugin with File Upload

    Cloudinary jQuery Plugin with File Upload

    Cloudinary is a cloud-based service that provides an end-to-end image management solution including uploads, storage, manipulations, optimizations and delivery.

    Easily upload images to the cloud. Automatically perform smart image resizing, cropping and conversion without installing any complex software. Integrate Facebook or Twitter profile image extraction in a snap, in any dimension and style to match your website’s graphics requirements. Images are seamlessly delivered through a fast CDN, and much much more.

    Prelodr : Preloader inspired in Google Inbox

    Prelodr : Preloader inspired in Google Inbox

    A simple Material preloader with javascript inspired in Google Inbox.

    JS Fireworks – Realistic JavaScript Animation

    JS Fireworks - Realistic JavaScript Animation
    • Create realistic fireworks of any color
    • Visually-rich animation with just one line of code
    • Easy to use (just basic html knowdlege required)
    • Well documented (instructions file, example, comments on code)
    • 10 KB JavaScript library (+19 KB for optional explosion sound)
    • Doesn’t require jQuery or any other library
    • Smooth animation that works over any html element