iTour : jQuery Easy Tour Plugin for the Complex Interface

    iTour : jQuery Easy Tour Plugin for the Complex Interface

    The plugin itour gives you the opportunity to tell you about the functionality of any interface. In addition, the plugin «itour» can perform the function of teaching, display the task, prompt you what to do and follow up on implementation of tasks. This is the most flexible and fuktsionalnye plugin among all his analogs.

    • 36 Positions’ Variants
    • Auto Positioning of Message
    • Detect Events
    • Trigger Events
    • Callback Functions
    • Map of All Steps
    • Control of Buttons Text
    • Scroll to Element

    Captcha System On User SignUp Using PHP And Ajax

    Captcha System On User SignUp Using PHP And Ajax

    Captcha is the best way to avoid spamming your SignUp, Comments, Email and many other things that takes user input. What is Captcha? It is a simple text combination of some uppercase and lowercase letters with some numbers generated randomly with some special kind of text type font. It is mainly used for Human Verification whether the user is human or any computer script. In this tutorial we will teach you how to make your own captcha system with the help of PHP and Ajax.

    Item Reveal Animations with SVG

    Item Reveal Animations with SVG

    An experiment where grid items get revealed and unrevealed with animated, morphing SVG paths using anime.js.

    Responsive YouTube Player with Playlist : jQuery Plugin

    Responsive YouTube Player with Playlist : jQuery Plugin

    Responsive YouTube Player with Playlist.Since Youtube API V3.0, it’s mandatory to create a YT API key in order to get the playlists contents programatically… there aren’t other ways to do this. The old XML Feed used in the V.01 of RYPP has been removed by Youtube and no longer exists.

    Dynamic Table : jQuery Plugin

    Dynamic Table : jQuery Plugin

    Dynamic Table jQuery Plug-in – A table that can be sorted, filtered and edited, similar to common spreadsheet application.


    • Spreadsheet feel
    • Load data via AJAX
    • Paged scrolling (handles easily tens of thousands of lines)
    • Filters and Sorting
    • Editable fields
    • Events on select
    • jQuery UI based

    360 Virtual Tour PHP & JavaScript

    360 Virtual Tour PHP & JavaScript

    The 360 Virtual Tour PHP is a mobile ready responsive php script for displaying 360 degree virtual tours directly in the Browser. Now there is no need to segregate the 6 side of panoramic photo. Using 360 Virtual Tour PHP you can use just One 360×180 panoramic photo for making a virtual tour. 360 Virtual Tour PHP is simple to use. You just need to upload index.php file to your hosting, open Online Editor and upload your panoramic photos like video preview. You don’t need to have advanced programming knowledge for making a Virtual Tour.

    d3-based Parallel Coordinates Plot

    d3-based Parallel Coordinates Plot

    A d3-based parallel coordinates plot in canvas.

    Add to Cart Interaction with CSS & jQuery

    Add to Cart Interaction with CSS & jQuery

    A floating cart that slides in when the user decides to buy an item.

    We’re used to different patterns when it comes to the “add to cart” process. The basic idea behind this pattern is to notify the user that an item has been added to the cart, and provide her/him with a link to proceed to the checkout.

    Idilia Tagging Menu jQuery plugin

    Idilia Tagging Menu jQuery plugin

    The Idilia Tagging Menu jQuery plugin enables assigning word senses to one or more consecutive words (e.g., a search query, a document) in a web application.

    phAnimate : jQuery Animated Placeholder Plugin

    phAnimate : jQuery Animated Placeholder Plugin

    phAnimate is a jQuery plugin that animates placeholder on inputs.