bs-checkbox : jQuery Checkbox plugin with Glyphicon Icons

    bs-checkbox : jQuery Checkbox plugin with Glyphicon Icons

    A simple jQuery plugin that replaces the default checkbox and uses Bootstrap glyphicon icons.

    Products side by side Comparison using jQuery

    Products side by side Comparison using jQuery

    This jQuery plugin helps users to select products for comparison. Where user needs to click on products to add them for comparison. It also contains preview panel of selected products for comparison.

    Lightgallery.js : JavaScript Lightbox Gallery

    Lightgallery.js : JavaScript Lightbox Gallery

    Lightgallery.js is a full featured JavaScript lightbox gallery. No dependencies.

    • Fully responsive.
    • Modular architecture with built in plugins.
    • Touch support for mobile devices.
    • Mouse drag supports for desktops.
    • Double-click/Double-tap to see actual size of the image.
    • Animated thumbnails.
    • Social media sharing.
    • YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, VK and HTML5 video support.
    • 20+ Hardware-Accelerated CSS3 transitions.
    • Full screen support.
    • Supports zoom.

    Drag And Drop Shopping Cart Using jQuery,Ajax And PHP

    Drag And Drop Shopping Cart Using jQuery,Ajax And PHP

    In this tutorial we will show you how to add items in shopping cart using drag and drop feature by using jQuery,Ajax and PHP.Drag And Drop is the modern and easy way to add items in shopping cart you only have to drag an item and drop it into the cart and the items will automatically added in your cart.

    jQuery Interactive Minimap Plugin

    jQuery Interactive Minimap Plugin

    A jQuery plugin that creates an interactive minimap of an element and its children.

    Slidea : A Super Smart Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

    Slidea : A Super Smart Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

    Slidea is a super fast and intuitive multi-purpose content slider which completely leaves the competition behind.

    Slidea has been developed with simplicity, efficiency and innovation in mind, making it the perfect slider solution for your website. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, the slider is guaranteed to offer unmatched motion design experience.

    Chameleon : Style Inheriting properties of other Elements with jQuery

    Chameleon : Style Inheriting properties of other Elements with jQuery

    Use Chameleon on elements that need to change their style inheriting properties of other elements through jQuery.Even when not using the real-time feature of Chameleon, it will save you lots of code and classes (e.g. each background color, border color..)

    Typography.js : JavaScript Toolkit for Beautiful Typography

    Typography.js : JavaScript Toolkit for Beautiful Typography

    A powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful typography.Typography.js provides a vastly simpler way to define and explore typography designs.

    You provide configuration to the Typography.js JS api and it uses its Typography engine to generate CSS for block and inline elements.

    jQuery Squeezing Header Plugin

    jQuery Squeezing Header Plugin

    A jQuery plugin for squeezing your header on scroll down.

    Above & Beneath: Featured Content Layout Effect with CSS

    Above & Beneath: Featured Content Layout Effect with CSS

    Today we’d like to share a little aquatic landing page template with some special effects with you. The idea is to show a big headline in the initial view and when a grid/menu icon is clicked, the view slides down (below the water) and some featured content or menu items get shown. The transitions are accompanied by some fitting background sounds.