Best jQuery SVG Tutorial Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Splash Transition with CSS and SVG

    Splash Transition with CSS and SVG

    In this tutorial we’ll be creating an eye catching animation, just using SVG paths and CSS transitions. To make things easier, we will also be using Pug and Sass, HTML and CSS preprocessors respectively. They will allow us to write much cleaner and more organized code, and also help with maths.

    Animating Elements Along SVG Paths with JavaScript

    Animating Elements Along SVG Paths with JavaScript

    Path slider is a animating elements along SVG paths with javascript.

    Gradient Topography Animation with Anime.js

    Gradient Topography Animation with Anime.js

    An organic SVG shape layer animation based on Diana Hlevnjak’s work “Gradient Topography”. Powered by anime.js.

    Easy Wheel : jQuery Easy Controlled Wheel of Fortune

    Easy Wheel : jQuery Easy Controlled Wheel of Fortune

    Easywheel is a jQuery Plugin created to allow you to Build and Controle the Wheel of fortune.


    • 70% of styles is Editable with JSON Parameters.
    • You can choose the winner from parameters or Remotely from your server using AJAX.
    • 100% Responsive and compatible with any resolution.
    • There no Third-party libraries ( Except jQuery ) is required to run the plugin.
    • The generated SVG is customizable via JSON/CSS.

    Anime.js : JavaScript Animation Engine

    Anime.js : JavaScript Animation Engine

    Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with any CSS Properties, individual CSS transforms, SVG or any DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects.


    • Keyframes: Chain multiple animation properties.
    • Timeline: Synchronize multiple instances together.
    • Playback controls: Play, pause, restart, seek animations or timelines.
    • CSS transforms: Animate CSS transforms individually.
    • Function based values: Multiple animated targets can have individual value.
    • SVG Animations: Motion path, line drawing and morphing animations.
    • Easing functions: Use the built in functions or create your own Cubic Bézier curve easing.

    Creative SVG Strokes Animation

    Creative SVG Strokes Animation

    SVG stroke animations are nothing new, but when using a more complex drawing that is basically made of strokes, then we can create a very original looking effect. Using many different colors and adding some other element animations, we can bring a very unique looking illustration to live.

    For the animation we are using GSAP’s sequencing tool TimelineMax and the DrawSVGPlugin.

    Animated SVG Frame Slideshow

    Animated SVG Frame Slideshow

    Today we’d like to share an experimental slideshow with you. The idea is to animate an SVG frame while we transition from one slide to another. Using different shapes we can create a variety of frame styles when morphing the SVG path. We are using anime.js for the animations.

    LeaderLine : Draw a leader line with SVG & JS

    LeaderLine : Draw a leader line with SVG & JS

    LeaderLine is a script that draw a leader line in your web page with svg and javascript.

    Dynamic Shape Overlays with SVG

    Dynamic Shape Overlays with SVG

    Today we’d like to share another way of achieving morphing page transitions. This time, we’ll generate multiple SVG curves with JavaScript, making many different looking shapes possible. By controlling the individual coordinates of the several layers of SVG paths, the curved shapes animate to a rectangle (the overlay) with a gooey motion. We use some nice easing functions from glsl-easings and by tuning the curve, speed and the delay value, we can generate many interesting effects.

    Organic SVG Shape Morph Ideas

    Organic SVG Shape Morph Ideas

    A small set of ideas for organic shape effects. The demos show some ways to use animated SVG morphs interactively on a website, including a menu hover and a content reveal effect.