Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    PayNow! : jQuery PayPal Plugin

    PayNow! : jQuery PayPal Plugin

    Whether you’re selling goods or collecting donations, with PayNow! plugin you can quickly add stylish PayPal payment buttons to your website for instant and secure payments. Plugin supports following types of payment buttons – “Buy Now”, “Donate” and “Subscribe” and provides five different button styles for your creativity!


    • Buy Now”, “Donate” and “Subscribe” button types
    • Five button styles!
    • PayPal variables via “data-” attributes, or as JSON string
    • Callback to modify PayPal variables before checkout
    • API methods
    • Build-in tooltip
    • Valid HTML5 markup

    Modern HTML5 Responsive Youtube Playlist Player

    Modern HTML5 Responsive Youtube Playlist Player

    This is a responsive video player to play YouTube playlists. You can enter a YouTube playlist id, channel id or an array of video ids as playlist source.


    • Enter a Youtube Playlist, Channel, or array of Video ID’s.
    • Newest YouTube API V3
    • Native Fullscreen Support for Major Browsers
    • Fully Responsive
    • Works on Mobile Devices
    • Custom Player Controls
    • Automatically show/hide playlist
    • Continuous Play & Autoplay
    • Social Sharing Buttons (Facebook, Twitter Google+)
    • Many Options More, like: max results, first video, annotations, fullscreen, volume, extra player vars, etc

    Grab Dribbble feed with jQuery

    Grab Dribbble feed with jQuery

    Grab Dribbble feed with jQuery and Handlebars.

    Google Translate Style Customizer : jQuery Plugin

    Google Translate Style Customizer : jQuery Plugin

    Do you use the Google Website Translator on your website, but hate the way it looks? Do you wish you had complete control over the style and formatting of the dropdown? Well now you can! Unlike other language managers, this plugin AUTOMATICALLY translates your webpage using Google Translate.

    The actual Google Website Translator gets embedded on your site using an iFrame which makes it difficult to style items. Using a small jQuery script, we generate that same list of languages using only HTML to give you complete control over how they are displayed on your website!

    Facebook Share to Unlock Content using jQuery & Facebook API

    Facebook Share to Unlock Content using jQuery & Facebook API

    In my previous post I had explained How to Create Simple Tweet to Download Files using jQuery & Twitter API.In this tutorial on FB share to unlock content.Only few lines of code we can easily implement this cool feature. I hope this tutorial will help you to drive traffic, increase facebook shares & improve search engine ranking for your websites. For this you need to create an Facebook App, register your website & get an App ID.

    Flat Weather jQuery Plugin

    Flat Weather jQuery Plugin

    Flat Weather is an easy to use jQuery plugin that supports switching between two different weather API sources ( or Yahoo Weather) without changing any of your front-end code. Great for dashboards and sidebars!

    The code is well-documented and small, with its only external dependency being jQuery, which makes it easy to deploy and extend. The plugin comes with an attractive flat UI css stylesheet, and uses a weather icons font to provide attractive and scalable visuals.

    Flickrush : jQuery plugin to display Flickr photo Streams

    Flickrush : jQuery plugin to display Flickr photo Streams

    Flickrush is a jQuery plugin designed to make it quick and easy to add your flickr photo stream to any web page with minimal effort. Fully customisable you can choose the number of photos, randomise the ordering and style to fit in with any blog or web page.

    Vimeo Portfolio Page with Vanilla JS

    Vimeo Portfolio Page with Vanilla JS

    Vimeo Portfolio Page developed with Vanilla JS plugin with no dependancies.

    jQuery Advance Route Planner API

    jQuery Advance Route Planner API

    Advance Route Planner is a A to B RoutePlanner tool written in Pure Javascript with Google Map Ver. 3 API.


    • Responsiveness.
    • Google Adsense.
    • Drag-able Route, adjust route as per your requirement.
    • Share able Link Generator.
    • Print button.
    • Change Google Map Language.
    • Fix your starting / ending point with ease and get proper Route Directions in details via Google API.