Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Social Auth For PHP Standalone Sites and Applications

    Social Auth For PHP Standalone Sites and Applications

    Social Auth Plugin is the authentication and authorization solution based on social networks for web applications. Nowaday, almost internet users have at least one account on social networks (like Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus …). Therefore allowing users log in your applications/sites (apps) via social network accounts is not only help your users approach your apps easily but also help you reduce amount of work which is not necessary to focus on developing your apps. So now I introduce you a simple way to make a Social Auth plugin for your apps.

    Youmax – YouTube Channel on your Website

    Youmax - YouTube Channel on your Website

    Youmax 3.0 is a jQuery plugin used to display any youtube channel feeds on your website.


    • Works on any device size (responsive + fluid)
    • Fancy Layout – uses Wookmark grid
    • Load More button for playlist items
    • Improved lightbox popup for videos – uses Magnific Popup for Videos
    • Optimized code package (minified JS+CSS ~ 40KB)
    • Uses YouTube v3.0 API
    • Customize anything with CSS

    Integrate Pixlr Online Photo Editor in Website

    Integrate Pixlr Online Photo Editor in Website

    In this tutorial we are going to integrate pixlr online photo editor in our web application or website.

    Pixlr is an free online photo editor tool, using this pixlr editor we can edit photos like in adobe photoshop. pixlr has almost same interface of photoshop, if you know photoshop little bit then it’s easy for you to edit photos in pixlr editor. So now we are going to add this excellent pixlr photo editor in our website.

    Google Maps Draw Module with jQuery

    Google Maps Draw Module with jQuery

    Google Maps Draw Module is a useful tool for web developers who want to build web apps for drawing on maps in the front end. It is based on modern tools such as Google API v3, jQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3.

    This module provides a responsive graphical interface to users for adding markers and drawing polygons, rectangles, polylines and circles in order to create maps online. Users are able to add/edit/delete objects on Google Maps. Also users can enter title and description for all objects they create.

    okvideo : jQuery Fullscreen background Videos Plugin

    okvideo : jQuery Fullscreen background Videos Plugin

    OKVideo is a jQuery plugin that allows for YouTube or Vimeo videos to be used as full-screen backgrounds on webpages. OKVideo aims to be customizable while making some basic decisions about how the plugin should control video. When using OKVideo, all videos will be served from Vimeo or YouTube based on a number of variables like browser, device, bandwidth, etc.

    sheetsee.js : Visualize Data from a Google Spreadsheet

    sheetsee.js : Visualize Data from a Google Spreadsheet

    Sheetsee.js is a client-side library for connecting Google Spreadsheets to a website and visualizing the information in tables, maps and charts.Google Spreadsheets can be used as simple and collaborative databases, they make getting a data driven site going much easier than traditional databases.

    Random User Generator API

    Random User Generator API

    Random User Generator is a free API for generating random user data. Like Lorem Ipsum, but for people. The application will provide you with a JSON, SQL, CSV, or YAML object that you can parse and apply to your application.

    jQuery iBacor Google Plus Streaming Plugin

    jQuery iBacor Google Plus Streaming Plugin

    jQuery iBacor Google Plus Streaming is jQuery plugin to display your google+ timeline steams (posts, photos, videos, article) on your website.


    • Display all timeline, shared urls+thumb, plusone count, comment count, shared count.
    • Popup photos & play videos using Fancybox plugin.
    • Css3 responsive,.
    • Awesome icon using fontawesome.

    jQuery Youtube Background Video

    jQuery Youtube Background Video

    jQuery plugin that lets you create background videos using youtube api.A wrapper for the Youtube API – Great for fullscreen background videos or just regular videos.

    iBacor : jQuery Facebook Streaming Plugin

    iBacor : jQuery Facebook Streaming Plugin

    Display all your wall post, comments & likes in groups or fans page.