Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Facebook Album Browser with jQuery

    Facebook Album Browser with jQuery

    Reponsive jQuery plugin for browsing public albums of a Facebook account. Plugin is suitable for both desktop and mobile websites.

    The main purpose of this plugin is to enable to embed and customize phot albums in your website without being limited with Facebook styling. It also allows you to use it as picker as it raises events for clicked album/photo.

    jQuery Travelmap : Pin Places on the Map

    jQuery Travelmap : Pin Places on the Map

    Travelmap plugin help you to pin your visited cities and countries on Google map with jQuery.

    InstaLink : jQuery Responsive Instagram Widget

    InstaLink : jQuery Responsive Instagram Widget

    InstaLink is a jQuery responsive Instagram widget.The widget blends well with the design of your site because you can change its color.You can display the information from your account or by any hashtag.

    jQuery Nice Gallery – Flickr

    jQuery Nice Gallery – Flickr

    jQuery Nice Gallery plugin for Flickr. Today, we present you unique script of Gallery – if you have photos on Flickr then probably the plugin will be good choose for you. The script is compatible with new Flickr API that gives 1 TB disc space for your photos, so this is fantastic place to sharing your passion or portfolio. The gallery have built-in pretty LightBox – new version of ViewBox – it has high spectrum of possibilities. All components have Flat style which gives a nice and original look. The amazing jQuery Plugin is for free.

    Autocomplete Search using Wikipedia API and jQuery UI

    Autocomplete Search using Wikipedia API and jQuery UI
    It is nothing but normal search box where it provides suggestions in a dropdown while typing the keyword in the text box. By using Wikipedia Opensearch API and jQuery Autocomplete UI, we can easily implement this feature without writing large lines of code.

    Font Awesome Icon Picker plugin for Bootstrap

    Font Awesome Icon Picker plugin for Bootstrap

    Font Awesome Icon Picker is a fully customizable plugin for Twitter Bootstrap, with a powerful base API.You can use Font Awesome or another font icon set of your choice (icons options and items are customizable)

    Famax – Facebook Fan Page on your Website

    Famax - Facebook Fan Page on your Website

    Famax 2.0 is a jQuery plugin used to display any Facebook Fan Page on your website.

    • Works on any device size (responsive + fluid)
    • Fancy layout (new grid + header)
    • Load more button for feeds
    • Improved lightbox popup for videos (responsive + fluid)
    • Optimized code overload (minified JS+CSS ~ 50KB)
    • Uses Facebook v2.2 API
    • A Tab for your Fan Page posts

    jQuery My Instagram Gallery

    jQuery My Instagram Gallery

    Create your own instagram gallery on your website with this plugin.

    jQuery Github Feed

    jQuery Github Feed

    jQuery plugin to take the feed from github usename.