An easy way to embed google maps in your site.
- Customizable google maps (dimensions, zoom level, terrain type, etc)
- Multiple markers with text and custom icons.
- Routes
- Events to handle markers and routes (show, show_all, hide, hide_all)
Instamax is a jQuery plugin used to display your complete Instagram Portfolio – photos, videos, comments, hashtags etc. on your website!
Dynamic Stock Charts is a jQuery plugin, which allows embedding highly customizable dynamic stock charts of almost any publicly traded company into your website by using simple HTML snippets automatically generated by the included charts builder.
jQuery Paypal HTML Shop by createIT turns your static website into a working paypal shop in 5 minutes! Every currency type is supported and compatible with PayPal.
Show playlists, channels and single videos from YouTube, customize the look with custom templates and different display modes. Includes lightbox, embed and direct link to YouTube
Weather on Google Maps plugin allows to easily embed any number of Google Maps with current weather information on any numer of cities. You can customize the look and feel of the weather information box and even choose what data to display.
Weather data is retrieved through Yahoo Weather API.