jFlickrFeed is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to pull Flickr feeds and display them on your site.
Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Bing Instant Search with Jquery and Ajax
Some days back I had posted a popular article ‘Youtube instant search with Jquery and Ajax’. I received a lot of request from my readers that asked to me how to instant web search results so I had coded Bing instant search with real time search results. Just few lines of code, reading Bing search JSON API file with Jquery.
Multiple Ajax Requests with Jquery
Last few days I have been working with APIs for instant search results, I had an idea to implement a super instant search with multiple APIs like twitter, youtube, yahoo and bing. But jquery older versions doesn’t support multiple ajax call-backs, luckily I had found Jquery 1.5 has released a new method called $.when finally I have developed super fast search at kokkoroko.com.