Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Slider Shock : Most complete responsive jQuery/WordPress Slider

    Slider Shock : Most complete responsive jQuery/WordPress Slider

    jQuery Slider Shock. A fully responsive slider and the most complete over the web right now. Available for you to download it as a jQuery code to use it wherever you need, or as a plugin for the most used CMS: WordPress. We wanted to make something that could take advantage of all the power that the jQuery code has to offer and this is the result. Take a look into this post and the features that our slider has to offer.
    Do you want to build your own Slider? Sure, you can do it!. Look at the controls available to do so.


    • You can easily add thumbnails on any of the sides of the slider ( top, bottom, left, right ) allowing users to navigate easily between slides.
    • jQuery Slider Shock supports not only images but also allows you to show Videos from YouTube playlists, RSS Feeds, Twitter Feeds, Flickr and Instagram images from an account.
    • You can create an slider from each of the following sources: Custom Slides, Posts (WordPress), Custom Post Types (WP), Taxonomies (WP), External RSS, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter and Instagram.
    • Add videos from YouTube, Vimeo or Hulu.
    • Create a unique slider adding not only videos or only images, but both of them between slides.
    • You can have as many sliders as you want in the a single page.
    • Add a flat color or a pattern based background the captions in the slides.
    • You can adjust both the position and width of the slider captions.
    • You can also include external URL images. By doing that, you can add completely different background patterns to your slider.
    • You can choose a fixed width for your images, or adjust them to the 100% of its parent width..
    • Add image descriptions within the thumbnail labels and display them on top, bottom, left or right side of your slider.
    • Like the images, the labels can have their own background.
    • You can adjust both the position and width of your captions.
    • Pick one from 31 available effects (premium) or let them be random.
    • Responsiveness can be deactivated, allowing your slider to remain the same disregarding the screen size.
    • You choose the skin that fits on your site the best from 39 skins.

    Make a Google Powered Shopping Search Website with jQuery & PHP

    Make a Google Powered Shopping Search Website with jQuery & PHP

    In this tutorial, we will be making a simple product search engine. Using jQuery and PHP, we will tap into Google’s Shopping Search API and return a list of items available for purchase, along with prices, photos and other useful information. The Shopping Search API gives us direct access to Google’s large database of products and prices, obtained from partnering online stores. Another benefit to using this service, is that products are automatically ranked and filtered for us behind the scenes to better match with the user’s search query.

    DeviantArt API Instant Search App using jQuery Ajax & PHP

    DeviantArt API Instant Search App using jQuery Ajax & PHP

    In this tutorial I want to explain how we can build a DeviantArt Instant Search app which searches through all the most popular banner signatures ever submitted to the website. You can enter some search terms and the app will pull results to display after you finish typing. This is a really cool application for designers who are looking for inspiration, or even for people who love DeviantArt and want a better way to search.

    Coding a Vimeo API Instant Search App with jQuery

    Coding a Vimeo API Instant Search App with jQuery

    In this tutorial I want to explain how we can build a small Vimeo instant search webapp. I’ll be creating the frontend with jQuery and the backend on PHP. There is actually a full developer’s API with references for programmers. I’ll stick to explaining the more convoluted ideas so that you can follow along with my source code.

    I will first explain how we can put together the HTML document so it runs our frontend Ajax functions. Let’s include a reference to the most recent jQuery library which is used for Ajax calls. I’m also using another file v.js for our custom API commands.

    jQuery Responsive google maps

    jQuery Responsive google maps

    Well, when scrolling a website on your mobile device you can get trapped in a google map due to the Maps scrollbar of death™. This plugin gives you a native google maps on your website and a safe fallback to the static image API of google maps for smaller devices.

    Building Instagram Photo Search Engine With jQuery And PHP

    Building Instagram Photo Search Engine With jQuery And PHP

    In this tutorial I want to explain how we can build a similar instant search web application. Instead of pulling images from Google we can use Instagramwhich has grown tremendously in just a few short years.

    This social network started off as a mobile app for iOS. Users could take photos and share them with their friends, leave comments, and upload to 3rd party networks such as Flickr. The team was recently acquired by Facebook and had published a brand new app for the Android Market. Their userbase has grown tremendously, and now developers can build amazing mini-apps just like this instasearch demo.

    SpectragramJS : An Instagram API plugin for jQuery

    SpectragramJS : An Instagram API plugin for jQuery

    spectragram.js is a jQuery plugin using the Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside a list or any container you define.


    • Get the most recent media published by a user, the most popular media at the moment, or recently tagged media from Instagram API
    • Display the results on list items or any other HTML tag you define
    • Define the size of the pictures (small, medium, big)
    • Use your own Instagram application ClientID and AccessToken

    jLocator : jQuery Store Locator

    jLocator : jQuery Store Locator

    jLocator is a jQuery store locator plugin uses Google Maps API V3 and enables searching, sorting, filtering and pagination for your stores. No database required.


    • No database required
    • Google API V3 , no key required
    • All stores are declared in HTML ,
      stores HTML structure is flexible and can be changed easily.
    • Any additional info can be added to a store.
    • Map pin can be replaced by any image/icon
    • User location detection (geolocation)
    • Search stores by address, city or postal code.
    • Sort stores by title or any other property.
    • Stores auto pagination
    • Can be added several kinds on filters:
      checkbox filters, dropdown filters and textbox search
    • Fully customizable styles
    • Works in all major browsers

    jQuery Instagram SlideShow Plugin

    jQuery Instagram SlideShow Plugin


    • CSS3 driven animation.
    • Auto delay slideshow, hove to pause.
    • Optional link of the image.
    • Optional loop of the photo stack.
    • Optional display numbers.

    Twitter like Real Time Wall Update Using Pusher API and jQuery

    Twitter like Real Time Wall Update Using Pusher API and jQuery

    If you have ever dreamt of showing real time data on your website then this tutorial is for you. In this tutorial I will show you how to show real time updates and data on you web pages. Here I will use Pusher API to create a two way communication between the client and server. The Pusher API uses websockets for the two way communication and its free for starting your development.
    Here I have created a Twitter/Facebook style real time updating wall script that will display the status updates of the users in real time.