A simple jQuery plugin to show a list of Instagram photos.
Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Majuro.JS : Make Interactive Maps with open buildings data
Majuro.js is an open data platform. In each city, users select a neighborhood or draw a custom area to extract buildings. They then can color-code, annotate, and describe each building, before creating a static site by forking the repo and adding their JSON data through Github’s web interface.
The objective is to develop custom maps based on cities’ public data, without leaving the web browser or introducing command line tools.
Build a Simple Yahoo! Answers API Webapp with PHP & jQuery
In this tutorial I’d like to focus on the Yahoo! Answers API. We will be creating a simple webapp that pulls all recently answered questions from a select few categories. The API delivers results via XML or JSON, so we have the option to build with any backend programming language. Although for this guide I’ll stick to PHP since it’s the most commonly understood backend language.
Google Map Instant Search in jQuery
Today i created a new looking “Google Map Instant Search” with simple jquery and j-son script ,by using Google’s API and by using instant search function keyup(function(e)) this will started to display the places as you type the results on the search box with simple and neat user interface and easy to search .
Create A jQuery Twitter Feed Plugin
n the following tutorial we are going to go show how to create a jQuery plugin to display Twitter feeds via AJAX from either a username or search using the Twitter API.
The plugin will also include code to display time since posted, retweet, reply & favourite links plus options to set the number of feed items to display, turn on/off retweets and replies, show the user’s avatar and also include any embedded images.
Wikipedia Instant Search In Jquery With Integrated Voice Search
I created a Wikipedia instant search in jquery with integrated voice search, with little differences in UI with jquery and html, by using Wikipedia API Call Back function. And by using the instant search function .keyup(function(e)). This brings the meta-title information of Wikipedia as you type on the search box with smooth and fast as well as you can search with your voice as i included the voice search system by adding this html
code in input field = (x-webkit-speech ) note :this voice search will be working only in Google chrome browser
Create a Pinterest Feed jQuery Plugin Using AJAX & jQuery Isotope
In our latest jQuery social network tutorial we are going to create a jQuery plugin to display Pinterest feeds via AJAX from either a username or pinterest board and display them in a masonry style wall using jQuery Isotope.
The plugin will also include code to display time since posted, options to set the number of feed items to display plus Facebook and Twitter share links to help boost the traffic to your pins.
Dropbox File Uploader With Twitter Bootstrap
A few weeks ago, Dropbox introduced a neat new feature – the Dropbox Chooser. By embedding it into your website, you give users a button with which they can attach files from their online storage.
Today we are going to use this feature to create a simple application that allows people to attach a photo from their Dropbox account, crop an area with the Jcrop plugin, and download the result. Additionally, we will make use of Twitter Bootstrap to show dialog windows, and PHP on the backend for the actual photo cropping.