Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Pusher Chat : jQuery plugin

    Pusher Chat : jQuery plugin

    Pusher Chat , is a Facebook like chat jQuery plugin using Pusher API.Now you can get easily a chat application on your site.


    • easy to Customize with css
    • manage friend list via json
    • use Pusher API
    • detect message typing
    • detect message receiving
    • supported by all new browser ,IE8 & need some css fix for IE7
    • …& all what you need to add a chat to your web application

    flickrbomb : Rapid Prototyping with jQuery Plugin

    flickrbomb : Rapid Prototyping with jQuery Plugin

    flickrBomb provides an easy way for you to fill your prototypes with relevant content, and not just those dull gray placeholder images.

    Google Maps Events

    Google Maps Events

    “Google Maps Events” is a nice way for show locations info when click on map’s markers. The script using XML files for show the information for each location. You can show the information in an accordion menu, in tabs menu, as modal window or in a simple div in any area of your pages! You can add the location coordinates in XML file or get the coordinates by address (geocoding)! The script coming with 24 demos and a useful tool for find the coordinates by address!


    • Edit a XML file for set your information and map settings
    • You can using coordinates or address for set the markers on map
    • Show the location’s info in accordion, tabs, modal window or simple div
    • Show polylines, directions or just the markers on map
    • Styling polylines and directions lines (color, opacity, symbols like arrows etc)
    • You can use different markers (icons and dimensions) for each location in the same map
    • Editable tooltip when you put the mouse over a marker
    • Nice scrollbars for tabs and text (when are bigger than div’s height)
    • Complete documentation with step by step instructions
    • You can change the style very easy with simple CSS

    Google calendar events now on your website – jQuery plugin

    Google calendar events now on your website - jQuery plugin

    This script pulls events that you create in your public Google calendar and displays them on your website.You may choose how many events to display at a time.Each event box can show the event start date-time, timezone, location of the event, summary and description of the event.Each event box has a link to the original event you defined in your calendar.

    jtwt.js : A simple jQuery plugin for the twitter JSON API

    jtwt.js : A simple jQuery plugin for the twitter JSON API

    jtwt.js is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to display your recent tweets on your website or elsewhere.jtwt.js comes with a bunch of options to create the best experience for your users.

    jtwt.js is contributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. You’re free to use jtwt.js in personal and commercial projects.

    Save selected text on a webpage to your Dropbox account – jQuery plugin

    Save selected text on a webpage to your Dropbox account - jQuery plugin

    This script allows users on your webpage to save any text (selected using a mouse), directly to their dropbox account. There is also an option to save the complete webpage to their dropbox account.Authenticates users with dropbox if not already logged in.

    jQuery Interactive Google Map using the Twitter API

    jQuery Interactive Google Map using the Twitter API

    Hey! In today’s tutorial we will create an interactive Google map using the geocoding service. Using the Twitter API we will retrieve the user’s location, and then display the profile picture on the map. We will also add the click action, after which we will retrieve the user’s 5 latest tweets.

    maplace.js : A small Google Maps jQuery helper

    maplace.js : A small Google Maps jQuery helper

    Maplace.js helps you to embed Google Maps into your website, quickly create markers and controls menu for the locations on map.It requires jQuery and Google Maps API v3 so you need to have both in your page.


    • Straightforward implementation with simple options
    • Can run as many maps as required
    • Markers and custom icons, zoom level and custom controls menu
    • Supports for Directions, Polygons, Polylines, Fusion tables and styled maps
    • Works in all major browsers, including IE6 (this website not so much)

    Instafeed.js : A simple Instagram javascript plugin

    Instafeed.js : A simple Instagram javascript plugin

    Instafeed is a dead-simple way to add Instagram photos to your website. No jQuery required, just good ‘ol plain javascript.Setting up Instafeed is pretty straight-forward. Just download the script and include it in your HTML.

    Instafeed with automatically look for a <div id="instafeed"></div> and fill it with linked thumbnails. Of course, you can easily change this behavior using standard options. Also check out the advanced options for some advanced ways of customizing Instafeed.js.