Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jQuery Picasa Gallery

    jQuery Picasa Gallery

    jQuery plugin that displays your public picasa web albums on your website in a photo gallery.

    Facebook Style Video Url Expander with jQuery & PHP

    Facebook Style Video Url Expander with jQuery & PHP

    Today I am going to share  facebook style url expanding videos using jQuery & PHP. This script will take Youtube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Metacafe, & Dailymotion video url as input and it will return a video as output with automatically fetch the title & description of the respective video.

    Tumbax : Display Tumblr feeds on your website – jQuery plugin

    Tumbax : Display Tumblr feeds on your website - jQuery plugin

    Now you can show your business feeds / news / simple notifications on your website with Tumbax plugin. All you need to do is, have you business updates in your tumbl blog and install this plugin on your site. Tumbax will pull your Tumblr feeds and display them on your website in a stylish view which is fully customizable.
    Thus you can use Tumblr as a service to display your business updates for clients and users. The view is highly customizable; you can show it as a Timeline (2-column) or as a Pin View (3 or more columns) or a single column view.

    jQuery Facebook Photo Selector

    jQuery Facebook Photo Selector

    A jQuery plugin to create a Facebook photo selector.This is an interface component that allows you to select a photo from your albums as if you were inside of Facebook. It mimics the ‘Change your profile picture’ dialogue, but allows you to customize it as you like.

    Famax : Infinite Facebook fanpage feeds on your website

    Famax : Infinite Facebook fanpage feeds on your website

    Famax displays your complete Facebook Fanpage data on your website! You can post images/videos on your fanpage and it will be reflected on your webpage.


    • you can customize width and height of the widget on your website. – columns for the posts can be customized (Example: you can now have a 1/2/3/4…-column layout for the posts displayed.)
    • the widget itself is responsive; given a width or % for the widget, the inner contents will resize accordingly.
    • parts of the plugin like header/tabs can be hidden as per requirement.

    Weathro : Displays weather status for users jQuery plugin

    Weathro : Displays weather status for users jQuery plugin

    This script will get the geographic location of any user on your website and display a weather status of that particular location on your website.The weather status is pulled using APIs exposed by status of the current day and the next three days is pulled and available to this widget.You may then choose the number days (min 1 to max 4) for which you want to display the status.

    PhotoCradle.js : jQuery Gallery Integration with Flickr or Picasa

    PhotoCradle.js : jQuery Gallery Integration with Flickr or Picasa

    jQuery image gallery that delivers photos you store on services like Flickr or Picasa to your personal website or blog.


    • Original thumbanails bar
    • On-demand image loading
    • Fast and adaptive fullpage browsing mode
    • Multiple cradles per page
    • Integration with popular services (flickr, picasa)
    • Skins based on CSS theming

    Tumbo : Show Tumblr feeds on your website – jQuery plugin

    Tumbo : Show Tumblr feeds on your website - jQuery plugin

    Introducing a plugin that will extract tumblr blog post feeds from any tumblr blog you specify, and display the same in a widget on your website. You can use this plugin as a service to display notifications from your tumblr blog onto your website. The widget also has the tumblr follow button, thus making it social.

    Pimax : Show Picasa/G+ albums and images on your website – jQuery plugin

    Pimax : Show Picasa/G+ albums and images on your website - jQuery plugin

    Pimax displays a photo gallery from your Picasa/G+ albums. The Public albums are pulled from your account and dsiplayed on your website. You can add a public album or add some images to your G+ account; it will be reflected on your website with this plugin!

    You can also add tabs in Pimax for a specific albums you want to highlight. (Like I have a tab for “cH Best” album in my live demo!)